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X-Files is back!
Yeah, but it's not same. I watched 3 episodes and then stopped watching. The acting in the first 2 episodes was atrocious.
X-Files is back!
The Knick with Clive Owen will be back in October. I'm looking forward to that one. I watched The Player and I wasn't that impressed.
Episode one was about setting the context, it was a bit busy but did the job effectively.Yeah, but it's not same. I watched 3 episodes and then stopped watching. The acting in the first 2 episodes was atrocious.
I have only read the last couple pages. I like to binge watch on Netflix and Hulu. My sibs got me into the Marvel Universe. I loved Jessica Jones, but think Daredevil was just better overall - more nuanced. And...one person said she would have watched Jessica Jones sooner if someone had told her it was porn. I am no prude, but ometimes sex on t.v. just seems a gratuitous way to get men and romance readers to watch a show.
Now waiting for Agents of Shield to start up again and Fear the Walking Dead. Gave up on Walking Dead after the Governor did not die the first time. Just got sick of the characters.
I hope Dark Matter comes back. A bit of Firefly in that one, it seemed.
Last night I watched on ABC Bernie Madoff mini series. It will be on tonight too. I was interested because I didn't understand what exactly happened with him and the investment company he owned and ran.
Richard Dryfus does a great job playing Madoff. Blythe Danner plays his wife.
How about that, a difference of opinion![]()
Yup. And I totally respect your opinion.
For me, with a new TV series, I'll usually watch 3 episodes before I make up my mind if I like it or not. Typically, it takes that long for a new series to jell. I've seen programs where I hated the first episode but by the third one I was hooked but if it doesn't float my boat by the third episode, I bail.
You definitely should try Colony lwien, first 3 eps hooked me....
Me too! We agree on that oneLOVED Mr. Robot btw.
I'm enjoying it so far, pretty good casting. Another one with a great cast is billions.Colony on USA is intriguing
If you guys like Colony I think you should also try the 100. It takes about 4-5 episodes for it to start getting good but by the end of Season 1 it's a real hooker. Season 2 was good as well. Not so sure about Season 3 but I will watch as it comes out.
Right now I am not sure if I like the direction Colony is going. It's a lot of relationship building so far which leads to a lot of drama and less of the interesting plot lines that intrigue and entertain me. For instance, I want to understand more about the occupation, not more about what it's like to argue with your husband in your own home during an occupation. This is a waste of my TV time, as I can live that moment on my own.
I know the feeling, I've been saying that about the wire for years.some day I'll check it out
I know the feeling, I've been saying that about the wire for years.
I know the feeling, I've been saying that about the wire for years.
Colony has that family drama thing going on but it's still miles better than under the dome, which really ruined a great stephen king premise. Is that show even still on, I have no idea.
Haha yeah bailed on Dome before the end of season2
No love for the Making a Murderer? I am truly surprised. I finished it up since I last posted, and am really just quite unsure of what to make of it. The documentary is obviously biased in his favor. That said, it truly doesn't seem like he got a fair shake of justice, "guilty until proven innocent", which kind of makes for a mindfuck, for me at least. I feel the police took some liberties to get this guy behind bars, and it's hard for me to tell otherwise if the guy is guilty or not. So, if he is truly a murderer, he may potentially get set free because the police did not follow proper procedures. If he isn't a murderer, he's been sitting in jail for a long time now just rotting away while someone got away with a terrible crime. All in all a story where there are no winners.
Been meaning to check out The Colony, heard decent things.
Similarly with the Leftovers, heard on a podcast that some guy thought Leftovers S2 was best.
Thought Jessica Jones sucked. Loved Daredevil. JJ was just far too slow for me.
Not a fan of the CW superhero shows really. Though, heard Supernatural is supposed to be solid?
New Season of Survivor starts a week from Wednesdaycast looks great on paper but we'll see how it goes. The founder of 3 Twins Organic Ice Cream is on, as is retired NBA player Scot Pollard. I don't think either of them will do particularly great lol, but those are 2 names maybe that are more in the public eye? Idk. I do implore ya'll to check it out....YES, it is still on the air if you can believe it (people generally don't seem too? Lol) & has been on a general uptick IMO so I have high hopes.
I haven't watched anything truly great recently though. I've been meaning to check out Narcos but I'm usually watching netflix before bed and the subtitles are a big no no when I'm sleepy.
Mr. Robot I will check out, based in the praise.
I could always rewatch Lost...
I also think, I like Oz more than the Wire. Both quality. But there were a few times the Wire dragged for me. Same with Oz, just feel less so. Been meaning to watch Sopranos.
I'm actually not excited for Game of Thrones..I kind of But, they're passing up the books and I'd much rather read it unspoiled....some shit has already happened in the show that makes me furrow my brows, and this is from a guy who read all the books.
Burn Notice is a show I forgot about but my brother was watching when he was home from school, pretty good. Lighthearted fun. Same with Leverage if anyone ever seen it.
I'm excited for Better Call Sauland that OJ show. I also have been meaning to watch The Jinx, but idk if I really wanna slog through it to see one crazy episode/moment.
Used to watch a lot more TV, would like to find something that really draws me in...problem is I end up devouring it lol. Making a Murderer lasted me 2 weeks, but 70% of it I put down in a lazy Sunday.
I really should rewatch Lost, it's my favorite show and there are so many nuanced things. Never did a full proper rewatch. I implore everyone whose a fan to go back and watch episode 4 "Walkabout" and in the first flashback....listen to the sound the receipt maker/printer makes...that the "main character" of the flashback uses....it's on YouTube and I wish I caught that legit, but I wonder what other nuanced hints they have early on that point to the end game. I don't wanna spoil but if you watched the show it should stick out to you if you're looking for it.
If I think of more I will post em![]()
I generally prefer a well crafted story/drama as well, but I think that's also why the nonfiction shows that appeal to me, appeal to me; MaM unfolded very naturally and just kept me interested the whole time. Not like I can go watch court drama on the regular, but just the general story and "themes" they were trying to present were really implemented well.
Also the reason I love Survivor; it probably sounds ludicrous as someone who doesn't watch, but Survivor has some of the most nuanced storytelling/editing IMO on television. Since it's shot, and then edited, the producers/editors know the result prior to them "telling the story,"; each season is individualistically different by the overarching story that is being told in relation to the characters. Themes like gender equality, identity, self worth, trust, etc. all themes in life usually something like that will hang over the season usually, for better or for worse.
That's not even taking into account the evolution of the literal game of Survivor, which has evolved quite a bit over 16 years lol.
But, for me, I get a lot of fun trying to "predict" the story ahead of time. Trying to figure out the winner by the first few episodes, or at least the end game players. All about the quality of the content people are getting, and their relation to the ultimate "theme" the editors will try to present. Some, ultimately again easier than others, but all part of the fun.
(Spoilers for S30 if anyone cares lol)
Best example I can think of is recently they had a "World's Apart" season, 3 tribes of "blue collar" workers, "white collar" execs, and "no collar" free spirits. Early on, a theme was stressed in the story about needing to being able to be "all inclusive". In the beginning of the game, people are being voted out, but the ones who are staying, they are having big scenes of them being essentially "ugly." Not good people. Not people that we as viewers would want to root for.
So, its obvious that the guy who is the "Captain America" to them all, the guy who goes out of his way to make sure no one is neglected and feels loved, he's going to win. It just didn't make any sense for anyone else to win, based on the story we were shown and the content of the others we were given.
Comparatively, there was a season called Brains, Beauty, Brawn, essentially the same thing, but the overrall theme was about perception not always being reality, and the player who won was someone who at face value clearly looked like one category, was assumed to be as such, and utterly trounced the rest of them by playing up those perceptions
Not to bore you, easy for me to start rambling about it lol, as to your other points I couldn't get into White Collar really, and Orphan Black's premise did not strike me as something I would enjoy, but I will maybe check it out? Justified was on my list of things to check out though and slipped the mind![]()
The new Samantha Bee show on TNT last night is the better new Daily Show than the new Daily Show especially being that it was her first show.
The political primaries really needed a Jon Stewart and Samantha Bee could very well be what's been missing.
A good night for TV:
Return of:
"Last Week Tonight"--John Oliver---HBO
"Walking Dead"---AMC
"Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth" (behind the scenes of the recent political debates)---HBO
"Vinyl"---New series directed by Martin Scorsese and co-written by Mick Jagger about the music industry in the 70's---HBO