Discontinued ThermoVape


Well-Known Member
You are right - it took me a while to get used to my ThermoVape - but now I use it every day. It is my go-to portable vape. My MFLB hasn't been touched in a month or more!

I really like the PureFlow - but I wish I could try this on a bigger scale. Does anyone know of anything similar - charcoal filter etc?

Sess, have you tried the pure flow filter on the end of a solo stem yet?


Noob Saibot
Sess, have you tried the pure flow filter on the end of a solo stem yet?

I wanted to last night - but it was a long weekend. You know what I am doing tonight :ko:

I think jambandphan03 also mentioned trying this...or wanting to try....

That is what also led me to the thought of having a piece for water pipes also... It's so tiny that I think a bigger piece would work better. The hole is super tiny, plus the air passes through extremely tiny holes, so I think it will be a little uncomfortable getting "nice" hits.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
A few comments:

Pipes: The quick start card and guide should read "Smaller then a pea" we agree Pea sized is too big! Although a very fine grind is not needed IMO. Smaller then a pea, larger then a BB, or BB sized is pretty good. Consistency similar to a finger grind (just grinding well cured botanical between your fingers) works pretty well. Really glad you are enjoying the T1!

mvapes: Yes, we have made progress! We are working on this daily... we are now prototyping! It will be coming as a T1/Rev accessory in the not too distant future, although the leaves may be changing color by the time we have thoroughly tested and optimized the unit. It is not a passthrough adapter, it's better.

OF: Spot on as always with your comments on materials and safety. MAterial, material, material, in our minds it all starts and ends with the right material. It is the one area that IMHO should never be overlooked or shortchanged. The material has to be right for the job.



Thanks for the update - Ive been out of the loop lately because of a severe injury I suffered and needed complete hand reconstruction. The TV has been my saving grace cause it trulu a one handed device - Personally I believe the TV itself should be our next president!! lol



After I clean mine sometimes I don't screw the thermocore in all the way and it makes me think my batteries are bad when it isn't working how I know it should. When I screw it in more I can sometimes turn it another 5 times and then it works perfectly. Is yours screwed in all the way?

I've been using the water pipe attachment for 5 days now and it works great. When using it I pack .07g a bowl. I like that power adapter mod @pipes. Once I have a PA it will be a great solo home vape always ready to go.

This has happened to me as well! Always check to make sure the Thermocore is screwed all the way in! Thought my thermoCore had failed as only one of the two cores were glowing but after i screwed it all the way down/in it was back to working great!!


Charger is under warranty. We ship warranty replacements at our cost. Shoot us an email with your order number and let us get you taken care of!



Man these guys have such overwhelmingly GREAT customer service and support that it's CRAZY!!! Theyv'e already helped me far beyond what i could have expected and continuously seeing how quick they are to respond to us here jst make me proud to be a customer! and an American! here here.....


Well-Known Member

I've been using the water pipe attachment for 5 days now and it works great. When using it I pack .07g a bowl. I like that power adapter mod @pipes. Once I have a PA it will be a great solo home vape always ready to go.

So you're using 70 mg a bowl? I'm about there as well. Half a MFLB trench, two and a little bit PD stems.

I also agree, a PA would round out the system and make it a serious deal IMO. Given the advantages, removing the objections of battery life and adding power adjustment like happened for MFLB could really prove near ideal for a number of folks I think. Like with the LB, unplug and grab a few batteries and your out the door.

I think it's neat it's not only 'on the list' at TV but Pipes' independent efforts are IMO way cool. Better times ahead.....



Cloud Connoisseur
E-mail sent.

All I can say is WOW... Above and beyond the call of duty for customer service :rockon: . I think this speaks volumes of how strongly Thermovape stands behind their product.



Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Well, I finially got the PA handle the way I can live with. Managed to use the whole diameter of the tube to mount a proper DC jack. The solution was relatively simple. I shortened the bolt coming from the tip and it now contacts when screwed into the tube. The positive pin of the connector is soldered directly to a contact spring which in turn rests against the bolt when screwed in.




The bottom of the tube is stuffed with medical tubing which is left hanging out by 1/8" to silence the clicking on the return of pushing the contact.
As a bonus I made it such that if reversed it sticks out enough to hold the power on for you. I would not use this myself as I'm not into water pipes etc. but makes for a cool option. Also can be used to get a grip on that bowl for removal.
The actual DC plug is very standard heavy duty DC which I found a couple around. So have one at work hooked up to my shop power supply and one at home here which is in the picture above.


OF, works great, love not worrying if batteries will give one more hit. Also, tend to stir up more as not afraid to lose heat. Should I get the auction block warmed up?
Can also get as big of phume as I can handle and then some if I really try.
Handle stays much cooler as most of the heat actually seem to come from the batteries.
Very ironic situation here. I am the proud owner of this working PA and haven't even gotten the unit to work with batteries yet.
An update on that situation, I am awaiting new charger and batteries that I ordered from Amazon. The same as suggested in the link in this thread. I am convince the charger I have is not charging them properly. Seems to charge in under 2 hours and the batteries do not last. Have even noticed with my HR atomizer that I need to change batteries every 2 - 3 hours. I think we can conclude the charger is to blame.


Onward Thru the Fog
I've had about a days worth of use with the PureFlow, and can comment a bit on it.

I don't know if it's because I am so used to the TV (that a small change can feel different), or if it's a placebo effect, or what, but:

I've been experimenting with different thermovape mouthpieces the past few days, and I asked myself exactly the same question! There is just enough variance between loads and hits within a load when nothing changes besides the relative charge on the batteries and the type of load. So I am always suspicious of jumping to a (wrong) conclusion about the causes of subtle differences. Anyway, what rang a bell for me when I read your message is that some of what you're reporting on the PureFlow is what I've been experiencing with the revolution mouthpiece. (Which means that maybe both of us have been drawing in a little harder than is optimum).

I ordered the long delrin, the short ptfe, and the revolution mouthpiece (which has a narrower airpath, restricting the rate at which you can suck). I tried the ptfe first, without finding much of a difference from the stock short delrin. Maybe it didn't get quite as hot, quite as fast; or not. I don't gnaw on my mouthpieces, so the fact that the ptfe's a little softer doesn't matter to me.

I tried the long delrin next, which I actually prefer to the short delrin and ptfe mouthpieces. Not sure I can put to words why I prefer the long one, but I do. It doesn't make any difference in the operation or effect, just in how I feel using it. It might be that I don't feel it getting as hot near the end of a load, or that I can direct the stream in my mouth better. Trivial stuff. For the small plus to the long delrin mouthpiece, there is also a small drawback. It makes the T1 longer, and a little more "fishy" looking. And it doesn't fit quite as well as the first two, due to the lack of a tiny extra lip moulded into the short ones. Maybe the lack of the extra lip is for better compatibility with the revolution and juice heads. The revolution mouthpiece doesn't have the extra lip either. It is perfectly airtight, due to the O-ring, it just has a minuscule wiggle the little ones don't; I'm being anal here.

When I got to the revolution mouthpiece, with its restricted airway, I did notice a difference in how my T1 was talking to me. It didn't take quite as long from when I started the very first hit on a fresh bowl before I started getting vapor. With any of the other mouthpieces, the very first hit on a fresh load was usually 95% flavor and 5% vapor. The second and subsequent hits were always killer, it just took almost a full hit worth of hot air going through the load before it started giving off significant amounts of thick vapor. With the revolution mouthpiece, the first hit is now 60% flavor and 40% vapor. And there's no change to my preheat-before-sucking time. It's the most obvious difference I see, and it's consistent. The other differences are more subtle, and I'm always stoned when I make these evaluations, so my conclusions are often not to be trusted. :)

Here are your comments about the PureFlow with my observations about the Revolution mouthpiece following them:

sessnet said:

1. Seems to cool down the vapor
2. Seems to produce more vapor (as in more hits, not clouds)
3. Can draw hard, not worry about particles
4. Can taste awesome (even better than before?)
5. Give me more balls (feel like I can use it anywhere)

1. Haven't noticed any difference in vapor temp.
2. I not only get more hits, but more of them are huge vapor hits.
3. Same, but I don't fine grind my loads, I finger crumble them, and so I don't get much particulate matter with any mouthpiece..
4. Haven't noticed any real difference, always tasted great for the first three hits, then just fair for the rest (though not unexpectedly).
5. No change to my balls factor.

sessnet said:

1. Can't tell easily (because of heat?) when it's "working".
2. Hard to tell, when outside, if vapor is produced...
3. Can taste like ass - if it gets black (expected).
4. Really tough draw at times.

1. Not too much heat difference for me, mostly. I think it's going to take more time and experimenting before I settle on whether I like the restricted airflow, or I should just use the longer delrin mouthpiece and not suck as hard.
2. Haven't tried it outside with the Revolution mouthpiece, but since I get more thicker clouds of vapor inside, I would expect the same outside.
3. Nope, no change in taste.
4. Well, it is a restricted draw mouthpiece, but I don't think of it as any tougher than the standard mouthpieces. The standard mouthpieces are restricted by the holes in the cap, but I'm pretty sure the Revolution mouthpiece is actually more restricting than the cap holes. (which is why usage changed with the Revolution mouthpiece, as I am no longer able to draw as much of an airflow as I did with a standard mouthpiece). fwiw, my cap holes need cleaning more frequently than anything else. (They're trivially easy to clean, they just get clogged with fine particulate after a load or two. I tend to clean the T1 every two loads or so anyway).

sessnet said:
Overall, I haven't used it enough to master it. I think this thing needs another week or two of learning, sort of like when I first got the ThermoVape.
I agree 100% with your closing note, only with regard to the Revolution mouthpiece. And I think I may want to try one of the black delrin glass adapters as a mouthpiece, not that it won't look even fishier...



Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Just made a discovery. Of course after a, hmmm couple bowls.
I have been assuming I've leached all possible vapor from the herb. Wrong. I have been putting the leached herb in a small container while relaxing. I decided to put the previous 3 leached bowls back in for a single large bowl try. (What the hell, free power hehe.) Well not a big hit but a fair one. I was kind of surprised as it was already quite brown and even had some black specks. (although that doesn't mean much)
Must come hand in hand with the need to stir factor. It would take away from the efficiency factor for vaping. If there is such a thing. However, still away up when compared to direct lighter heating device efficiency. Like the VG.
Just an observation.
As for the current mouth piece discussion, I prefer the longer one as well. A little cooler and further from mouth. I kind of think self control for intake speed is critical and don't have a problem getting huge vapes at will, however, it takes an extended long slow ramping up style. Very easy to over do it if on second third draw. For me IMHO less to clean is better.


Noob Saibot
what I've been experiencing with the revolution mouthpiece.


You are 100% right - I was using it with the Revolution mouthpiece. Everything I said should have had that disclaimer.

I'll surely report back with my findings using some of the other mouthpieces.

What mouthpiece did you prefer to use with the Pure-Flow? The long Delrin?


Onward Thru the Fog
sessnet: I don't have a PureFlow filter, all my comments are with a "stock" T1. So far, I like using the long Delrin best, but I do like the way the T1 works a little better with the Revolution mouthpiece. So starting tomorrow I'm gonna try using the long Delrin again, but this time I'll draw a little more slowly. Maybe that's the way to get the best of both worlds.

Plus the Revolution tip really needs a pipe cleaner to get its narrow airway clean; the standard tips just need a cotton swab (Q-Tip), which is what I use to keep the rest of the T1 clean. I'm for easy, so I just use the Volcano brush on the cap and bowl every time I reload, and when they get grungy and develop an odor, about every tenth load or so, I dip a cotton swab in iso and clean the cap (both sides) and the bowl and the mouthpiece. Digging up a pipe cleaner for the Revolution mouthpiece, and remembering to buy more when I run out, is the opposite of easy, at least for me.

Keep us posted on how your PureFlow experiments go when using a standard mouthpiece.

Pipes: I'm with you 100% that the first hit of a load requires a different draw speed and length than the remaining draws. I still often forget and wind up coughing my brains out on hit number three... :) Oh, and my abv is also always very brown, with some black flecks from the bottom of the load next to the intake holes. A bit darker than most abv stuff has been with my other vaporizers (Volcano, MFLB, iInhale), and yet I can still get "one more hit" out of it too. It tastes like shit though, and isn't worth it for me, so I have no idea if there's anything good left in it because I just toss it...


Great Scott!
I'm waiting on my pureflow. I'll be using it with the long delrin for absolutely minimum irritation. I'm confident that I'll be able to maintain HUGE hits for a portable just like I am currently getting. I'm confident it's all technique. I'll see if this prediction is accurate real soon hopefully!

EDIT: Should have it tomorrow. I'll do my civic duty and test this tomorrow :)


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Does anybody know what mouthpiece Pipes is using here?
It's an old chrome 510 drip tip on an ultra RES ecig adapter with a Delrin outer cover. One hell of an expensive HR atomizer......but a 10 on coolness.


Vapes Hard
Go Pipes! How's that power adapter doing? I see you did end up getting the delrin sleeve for the RES, you're making me jealous now...

I change drip tips on a whim. I've been using my long green delrin mouthpiece lately, but today I think I'm gong to grab my red ceramic when I head out. My Thermovape is going on a 50+ mile bike ride today! I hope she's well rested, cause I sure as hell am not.


ive also gone back to my long delrin (standard, not rev) because i dont like using an oily piece on my tv. feels like contamination to me lol and im too lazy to clean it between uses.


secret stoner
ive also gone back to my long delrin (standard, not rev) because i dont like using an oily piece on my tv. feels like contamination to me lol and im too lazy to clean it between uses.

Do you mean that you tried and are no longer using a PureFlow? (Sorry, have a hazy memory about who's got a pureflow and who doesn't... I blame the TV ;)


no i haven't tried a pureflow yet. next time i place an order i will add that to the list though :p

i was only comparing the rev mouth piece to the standard ones.
I know you mentioned what you used above but is there anyway when you have some free time Pipes that can you link us to your mouth piece? Beautiful work again!
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