Discontinued ThermoVape


Great Scott!
The electroless nickel plating should not chip under normal use. Electroless nickel will show signs of wear and tear over time, mainly by developing a patina/tarnish.

As this looks like it is purely on the outside of the bowl it is not a functional issue and you can continue to use the bowl.

I will tie you a "Free Core and Bowl Credit" that you can use now, or in the future. Letus know what you would like to do.

Email us at info@thermovape.com.



Customer service...done right. Quick personal response not copy paste nonsense. Thanks TV!
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Well-Known Member
indeed! email sent! :) cheers guys!
Wow I must have really been stoned when I thought that was a picture of something else. I see now it is a TV bowl. Hope that isn't an issue with alot of them. Kudos to TV for their great CS.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
Wow I must have really been stoned when I thought that was a picture of something else. I see now it is a TV bowl. Hope that isn't an issue with alot of them. Kudos to TV for their great CS.

That's the 1st of >6000 ThermoVape T1's, doesn't seem to be a problem, likely just one of those things...




Vaporizer Manufacturer
Six thousand T1s. 6000. That's like a thousand a month....

Wow! Well done guys, keep it up.

OF, thank you.

On a side note, one of the products you were involved in the testing of (with a resolute commitment that deserves acknowledgment) is almost ready for prime time. We have been burning the midnight oil over hear (have to do something with the rain) and we have a few interesting developments. We will have a few new products on the shelf tomorrow that I think will be well received.

Good times, cheers!



Well-Known Member
OF, thank you.

On a side note, one of the products you were involved in the testing of (with a resolute commitment that deserves acknowledgment) is almost ready for prime time. We have been burning the midnight oil over hear (have to do something with the rain) and we have a few interesting developments. We will have a few new products on the shelf tomorrow that I think will be well received.

You're welcome. It's your due, of course, you earned it in the unforgiving real world.

The news is most cool. For sure the worst part of being a Beta Tester is the secret part. You just let part of that out, yes, guys I've been testing out a couple of neat neat products I'm sure others will like as well.

Soon the curtain will be pulled back and the buzz can start. Followed by the orders and the traditional stalking of innocent UPS drivers......



humm im intrigued by your beta testing OF... most excited!! :)

hoping for a power adapter of sorts! that would be the bees knees! :D

I love how fast TV turns around with new innovations for their products! they listen to their customers and and are quick to get back to us as well!

I want to apply to work for you guys even! :) That would be amazing :p


Well-Known Member
humm im intrigued by your beta testing OF... most excited!! :)

hoping for a power adapter of sorts! that would be the bees knees! :D

I love how fast TV turns around with new innovations for their products! they listen to their customers and and are quick to get back to us as well!

I want to apply to work for you guys even! :) That would be amazing :p

It's cool all right, but like the old joke the bad part is you have to keep the good part to yourself. At least until it's released and you get the OK to talk. Understand, I'm only asked to test some products (they choose of course). I'm as in the dark as everyone else for the most part. On my first meeting with them (picking up my Revolution) we discussed water pipe adapters yet I had no idea they'd designed, tested and produced one until I read it in this thread. It's the in the nature of objective testing sometimes.

Yes, their business model allows them to be close to their base and very responsive. And while many outfits have that option, TV made the conscious decision to take fullest advantage of that. And while some outfits are prone to 'quick release' products (often announcement of vaporware at that), TV has shown the discipline to work with stuff in secret until it's right and ready.

In a way it's sad they stand out so much in this, but stand out they do don't they? Yes, their gear is more expensive than much of the other guys' but IMO it's worth it from a build quality point of view not to mention the pleasure that comes from supporting this sort of business. Talk about 'value added'.

Yes, I think it would be a great place to work for a lot of reasons. What's the old Woody Allen joke about his job at the burlesque house as a student? "$200 a week may not sound like much to you, but as a student it's all I could afford....".



Great Scott!
Come on guys spill the beans whats new? I only ask because now I'm not buying the Pureflow until I know if there is something else I need to bundle with it....

Shipping is the biggest concern I have with the site, but its out of your hands. The only thing I can do is wait to see what you have coming. I want to order the pureflow, but I'm tired of paying shipping on things so I'll be patient.


Well-Known Member
Come on guys spill the beans whats new? I only ask because now I'm not buying the Pureflow until I know if there is something else I need to bundle with it....

Hey, don't look at me. You know I love to 'talk' and generally can't keep a secret. But waiting is a condition of such deals. Hey, in the past I've tested stuff I still can't discuss 'cuz the NDA is still active. Besides which all I know is about the stuff I've been asked to test. I've no idea who or even how many are also testing nor do I have any idea of other stuff (the WP and filter were both complete surprises to me even though we discussed the first (I even brought another vape's fitting for them to check out) and if you look back to the start of the thread you'll see I brought up (if not suggested?) the filter idea. Normally, I'd be a 'natural' for this testing, right? Well, no, because I would already have some pre test opinions that would have blown objectivity out the proverbial window.

Not to worry guys, I'm sure the word is coming real soon. TV is not the kind to let things out before they're 'in the bag', per their Business Model. What's the old joke? "How do you keep an a$$hole in suspense? I'll tell you tomorrow..."?

Standby, good news coming. FWIW I'm standing by as well....kinda like a day or two before Christmas, isn't it?



Great Scott!
Oh I was pestering them not you :) I just want to know what else to order with the pure flow...if anything. Hopefully they announce new stuff soon because the pureflow sounds fantastic to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh I was pestering them not you :) I just want to know what else to order with the pure flow...if anything. Hopefully they announce new stuff soon because the pureflow sounds fantastic to me.

I figured as much, but other fellows are also reading this so I thought I'd cover a few of the ground rules.

Not to worry, TV wants your money.....they'll get back to us......

Back to waiting with baited breath.



Noob Saibot
OF, thank you.

On a side note, one of the products you were involved in the testing of (with a resolute commitment that deserves acknowledgment) is almost ready for prime time. We have been burning the midnight oil over hear (have to do something with the rain) and we have a few interesting developments. We will have a few new products on the shelf tomorrow that I think will be well received.

Good times, cheers!


Waiting to receive :) I just bought PureFlow a day ago and can't wait....if you keep putting out products - you guys might have to set up an automatic payment/subscription service :p


Well-Known Member
Waiting to receive :) I just bought PureFlow a day ago and can't wait....if you keep putting out products - you guys might have to set up an automatic payment/subscription service :p

"Vape of the Month Club"? Cool. How does one sign up???

I got the thermovape and I'm not sure its for me. Rips and tastes nicely and would be the ultimate portovape with an extra set of batteries buuuut... I bought it simultaneously with the Milwaukee 8988-20 digital heat gun and it has embarrassed even my friends' volcanos! It fits the easy or solid valve and fills bags in a fraction of the time. Also heats up in under 5 seconds, insane. 3 fan speeds and goes up to 1150 F so you can vaporize bowls from a bong too. I used the thermovape once and put it back in the box lol so its for sale if anyones looking for a brand new one.


Noob Saibot
I got the thermovape and I'm not sure its for me. Rips and tastes nicely and would be the ultimate portovape with an extra set of batteries buuuut... I bought it simultaneously with the Milwaukee 8988-20 digital heat gun and it has embarrassed even my friends' volcanos! It fits the easy or solid valve and fills bags in a fraction of the time. Also heats up in under 5 seconds, insane. 3 fan speeds and goes up to 1150 F so you can vaporize bowls from a bong too. I used the thermovape once and put it back in the box lol so its for sale if anyones looking for a brand new one.

The ThermoVape is portable, and one piece - that is sort of it's strength. not sure if comparing to a heat gun (that you have to plug in?) is fair - but, I totally understand what you mean. Welcome to FC :)


Well-Known Member
The ThermoVape is portable, and one piece - that is sort of it's strength. not sure if comparing to a heat gun (that you have to plug in?) is fair - but, I totally understand what you mean. Welcome to FC :)

Hey, what the Brother just said! Welcome to the fun and games.

For sure it depends on what you're looking for. As a suggestion, charge up your TL batteries and have the kit standing by at least for a while. See how often you get to the end of the extension cord.......

Thanks for the welcomes! Ive actually been a lurker for a couple years here, gone through the box vapes, vapor genie, the orginial arizer v-tower, my trusty Vapir N02, and even the Fuji Phantom which just recently died from kief and herb falling onto the heating element. (it has crappy non-fine screens) Nothing a $20 cartridge heating element and a volcano screen set can't fix! The thing rivals the volcano also except is much slower in heating and filling. The vapir NO2 is the best portable one I've used so far, extracts the most vapor from the least amount of herb, and had a 45 min battery.

The thermovape actually burned me, after the batteries are almost discharged the thing gets insanely hot! Plus it should've come with the moisture conditioner, not as an extra add on, the vapor path is really freakin hot, and if you don't draw perfectly or purse your lips the wrong way it'll full on burn your lips. It is very durable and portable though, with an extra set of 4-6 batteries, practice and maybe a tube/moisture conditioner itd be great for people who are always vaping on the go.

Maybe I'm too spoiled with the heatgun to bag to bong combo and the heatgun to bong combo!


Noob Saibot
One thing I realized today - the ThermoVape can smell!

Mine is super dirty, I must have used it 30+ times over at least a month, without any type of cleaning. Not even wiping down with iso. So I am sure tons of smell/oil whatnot has collected all over and inside.

While I was sitting today I smelled it pretty strongly, emanating from my inside pocket of my jacket. I have the Rev mouthpeice on, so it's only a tiny hole in the mouthpiece! On top of that - I have the mouthpiece capped tighly with a plastic cap from a e-cig cartridge. So, somehow the smell has absorbed into the plastic cap, or is leaking out from the tiny air holes/cracks.

I smelled it all day and it was driving me crazy...but it was also sort of right under my nose. Anyhow - dirty ThermoVape could equal smelly ThermoVape! Lesson learned.

Just got my PureFlow and White Delrin set in the mail a few minutes ago...off to fuck combustion! :ko:


Well-Known Member
One thing I realized today - the ThermoVape can smell!

So, somehow the smell has absorbed into the plastic cap, or is leaking out from the tiny air holes/cracks.

At first I thought you'd discovered another feature on your TV, some sort of hidden nose or something. For whatever reason.....

I doubt the smell is in the cap (but that's easy to test, right?). Likewise, putting the cart in one baggie and the body in another should sort it out.

The bad part of smell is it can be like tobacco smokers or a co workers BO, the source can become immune to the smell. Over time it can build up without your notice.

Good luck on both fronts.



Vaporizer Manufacturer
I know a lot of ThermoVape T1 owners have the Revoltuion as well, so I though I would pot this here too:

Hey folks.

We have a few new products to announce. These items have been requested from the community and we hope you like them!

ThermoVape Universal Adapter: This has a male "Omicron/Persei/VaporX/AtmosRX" thread and a female ThermoVape Revolution/510 compatible thread.


For more info click here

The ThermoVape Revolution - LV (Low Voltage)! Built to be run on any 510 compatible 3.7V device! Also available with Universal Adapter:



ThermoVape Revolution - LV shown on some popular units:


Click here or more Information on the Revolution -LV

Click Here for information of the Revolution - LV with the Universal Adapter


You can use the adapter to run the AVA - LR atomizer o these same devices:



We hope you guys enjoy the new products. Please keep your ideas coming. We listen, and we do are very best to develop new products that meet, and hopefully exceed your expectations.

The Revolution - LV is built to run at 3.7V.

If you have a Variable Voltage or 6V device, please do NOT use the Revolution - LV on it. Use our original revolution.

Thank you for the support!


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Well-Known Member
Hey, guys, this is one of the products TV has been letting me Beta Test. The short of it is you want this.

For a somewhat more detailed version please look for my post on the other thread, but save some time, just order the sucker (and adapter if needed). Yer gonna love it. You could screw it on your Omicron (any version) for a truly serious hit or two when the need arises and switch back in what, a minute? Is it going to get better than that?

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