RaK427 said:
darkrom said:
I just hope it doesn't become solo 2.0, a vape I LOVE at first then grow to hate lol.
You hate your Solo? That thing hits hard as hell, I love it. What's wrong with it? Can anyone compare the extraction capabilities between these two units?
I refuse to get into the solo or I'll be called an Underdog shill again LOL. Yet here I am proclaiming how much I enjoyed my TV in the 1 day I've had it for.... funny how that works.
Anyway the TV was really fantastic for me. You guys underwhelmed me if anything. I got significantly better results than all other portables to date. That doesn't mean much other than SO FAR it is the best portable FOR ME.
Flavor when fresh seems good so far...but in the back of my mind I'm thinking of plastic tastes now that I've read this forum

but I don't think there has been any plastic smells at all.
Extracts very well, easy to use (for me, could be because I've used many style vapes so nothing really seems too new and different), indestructible for all intents and purposes I can ever see myself in, easy as hell to swap in new batteries.
I want better battery life like everyone else, but that is like asking for a magic genie who can change the laws of science lol. I'll just buy more and keep in my car and it won't be an issue.
The flavor when it gets darker ABV is more disgusting than the same level of cooked ABV in a different vape. Basically it seems to taste great when theres lots to vape and get much worse when the session is almost over. I expect it to get worse, but this is gross when its really dark and you take 1 too many hits.
I'm sure I'll have more to add over time but I really do love it based on that one day. My batteries seem to take at least an hour to charge at home, and even longer in the car. I'd really like to charge more than 2 at once for sure, but I definitely need to get some more batts once I decide I'm keeping it for the long haul (so far YES!)
Are these batteries ok to leave out in a cold car overnight? I know with my MFLB batteries that would make them suck quite bad. Hopefully that is not the case with these, but if it is I can work around it.