Soulhunter said:
Ehm, 8 mails total 3 not answered, i sent the first, you do the math

Yes, tried everything they said. Nothing helped. Last he told me to do was to take off the o-ring and se if i could get it further in, the heater that is

The main issue is that it stopped working suddenly.

exactly 14 bowls and then kaputt.
And i had a issue with nasty taste when the unit was very hot. But i am guessing the nasty taste has something to do with why it sudenly stopped working? I dont know.
Last mail i sent them i asked if i should send them the faulty heater.
Thanks for the details, while I'm generally pretty good at math, I can't figure out your puzzle. Subtracting 3 'not answered' leaves five. You led, they followed (2). You came back, they responded (2 more). If you sent number 5 and the total is 8 they either ignored your last four or something else is off. No matter, they were responsive.
As to the failure, I doubt it's a heat core issue. There are two elements in there in parallel, the chances of both 'burning out' at the same instant are mighty slim. Troubleshooting theory would point to other areas where a single point failure could explain the status. Like the o-ring issues (backing the switch out) others have seen. Or a switch failure. I assume you've tried other batteries, they sometimes fail to open which would cause what you see. I assume you don't have access to a meter to make some measurements? While I understand questioning the core, I'd suggest including the switch with the return package.
As to the smell, I'm not sure what to say. There just isn't anything in there to smell bad, really. High temperature metal alloy, ceramics, Nickle plated Aluminum. The only 'plastic' piece I saw anywhere near the action is a tiny PTFE button that makes the insulator in the connector in the Revolution. There's a similar piece in the T1 I'm sure but it should be very effectively 'heat sunk' by the switch contacts. PTFE can take a lot of heat, far more than I think it will ever see in that location. I should think if it somehow did overheat and cause the failure, you'd clearly see it on external inspection?
There have been a few guys that reported funny smells early on, but they all seemed to have decided it was their herb. For sure I (and I think most guys) find the unit remarkably odor free.
So I'd request a RMA for the core and switch (if I didn't want to send the whole unit which I'd be inclined to do if I hadn't already taken a meter to it and learned what the problem was). With medium/high confidence the problem was there. If you can borrow a meter, we should be able to 'talk you through' to the fault. To do so we'll need to measure voltage and resistance.
Be interesting to find out what's going on.