Discontinued ThermoVape


in flavor country
I can't wait for that all glass gong top for the T1 to be on the site... way to go TV! Also very cool about the power adapter!! Moving right along... ready to go shopping :D ETA on the glass T1 gong?... I know what I am using my photo contest credit for!!:brow:
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Portable Vaporist
I can't wait for that all glass gong top for the T1 to be on the site... way to go TV! Also very cool about the power adapter!! Moving right along... ready to go shopping :D ETA on the glass T1 gong?... I know what I am using my photo contest credit for!!:brow:

I got to try them both last weekend and they work very well. I wasn't a fan of the vriptech glass (The one I used had a washer mouth that wasn't me). The all glass top is very slick and the power adapters were rockin all day long at the cup....


Great Scott!
what do you mean by the vriptech glass? the bong or something?

I just remembered my bubbler is 18mm. I'd need to buy a 14mm to 18mm GG adapter and sandwich it in between unless they release the 18mm GG addon soon.

Thermovape let me throw my money at you and put these things under some serious testing!
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in flavor country
Yeah, we had a busy weekend festival too, and have not even unloaded the car yet. I can see why things can get delayed. Wish I could make one of the cups, or cons, to see all the cool products in person. Have to be happy with waiting for release. My T1 got some use over the weekend for sure.
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Portable Vaporist
what do you mean by the vriptech glass? the bong or something?

I just remembered my bubbler is 18mm. I'd need to buy a 14mm to 18mm GG adapter and sandwich it in between unless they release the 18mm GG addon soon.

Thermovape let me throw my money at you and put these things under some serious testing!

vriptech made glass bongs and they collaborated with TV on the glass top. So TV was using their peices at the cup and I was not that fond of them. Specifically the mouthpeice which resembled a 1.5" diameter wash made of glass.

the TV pieces were very nice.
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Great Scott!
Got it. I thought they made new pieces. I am a huge fan of the bubbler I just got, so I'm not interested in any more glass right now. LUCKILY for me I have no where to put a bong collection, plus that would probably upset the non MMJ girlfriend haha. One was "recreational looking" enough :rolleyes:


Vaporizer Manufacturer

We are playing catch up from the weekend. We did two shows in 8 days and the crew was wiped out. We had to let them rest... apparently people need to sleep :D!
Working on a skeleton crew, however we do hope to have the new parts on the site today.

We sold out of the glass glass adapters. We are a 7-10 days out from having them in stock, but that is a best guess.

Thank you for your patience. If we saw you out this weekend at the show, thank you for coming by and we hope you had fun at the booth :D.




Great Scott!

We are playing catch up from the weekend. We did two shows in 8 days and the crew was wiped out. We had to let them rest... apparently people need to sleep :D!
Working on a skeleton crew, however we do hope to have the new parts on the site today.

We sold out of the glass glass adapters. We are a 7-10 days out from having them in stock, but that is a best guess.

Thank you for your patience. If we saw you out this weekend at the show, thank you for coming by and we hope you had fun at the booth :D.



Any suggestions on using a 14mm to 18mm GG adapter? I just got my 18mm bubbler and would love to try the TV with it.


Queer in a high haze
Not sure if this the right place to ask this. The battery on the standard kit is 900mah, or is it a different size? I noticed on their site they have smaller body model the Alpha Ultra, which uses a 14500 size battery, and a UltraLite that uses a 10440 size battery. That said I could use on those models any battery in that particular size as long as it's a 3.7v battery right? Did a google search, but not too familiar with quality, so what would be the largest quality battery one could put in either Ultra body to get decent battery life out them?

I would get the standard kit, but when I played with it in store yesterday, I didn't fully like the size of it, I take that mode could handle a battery in the 1400mah hour range, right? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this the right place to ask this. The battery on the standard kit is 900mah, or is it a different size?

I take that mode could handle a battery in the 1400mah hour range, right? Thank you.

No, due to the high current demands you want to use the same AW brand IMR 14500, a 600 mAh battery. Other, lesser, batteries will run longer but cooler....and most guys want heat....

This one:

The maker actually made a very smart choice IMO as they have for other applications in their line. Solid engineering.



Active Member
I just skimmed the last few pages, so forgive me if I've missed it, but is there an ETA for the newer bottoms/power adapter kits? I'm holding off on picking up a T1 until they're released.

Also, I'm very interested in the T1 to Revolution conversion kit.

All I'd need is the (newer) T1 and a the Rev conversion kit, correct? Would you guys recommend anything else for my shopping cart?

Also, how often do you find that you need to change batteries? If a set of batteries only last 1 bowl/session, that's kind of a deal breaker.


Great Scott!
They said they are trying to add them to the site today I believe. So the next day or 2 I'd imagine?

Order it all together. 1 set of batteries is 1 bowl, but in the T1 its a fairly large bowl. It should be significantly stronger than your MFLB IMO. Whole new league. I've enjoyed a MFLB for years, but the T1 blew it away and I sold the MFLB.


Well-Known Member
They said they are trying to add them to the site today I believe. So the next day or 2 I'd imagine?

Order it all together. 1 set of batteries is 1 bowl, but in the T1 its a fairly large bowl. It should be significantly stronger than your MFLB IMO. Whole new league. I've enjoyed a MFLB for years, but the T1 blew it away and I sold the MFLB.
It feels unfortunate that I didn't have the experience that many of you have.
I still believe due to the reviews that its a great company and device.....just maybe not great for me


Great Scott!
It feels unfortunate that I didn't have the experience that many of you have.
I still believe due to the reviews that its a great company and device.....just maybe not great for me

IMO its all technique. I've watched my vapor experienced friend try to hit my T1 and fail 4 or so times while I pulled huge clouds immediately after. I'm happy to say that same friend is now pulling quite the clouds himself.

Its absolutely NOTHING like the MFLB or solo, or the cloud or SSV for that matter.
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Well-Known Member
IMO its all technique. I've watched my vapor experienced friend try to hit my T1 and fail 4 or so times while I pulled huge clouds immediately after. I'm happy to say that same friend is now pulling quite the clouds himself.

Its absolutely NOTHING like the MFLB or solo, or the cloud or SSV for that matter.
It may be, though I've tried many techniques to no avail.
Its tempting to Exchange for another thermovape as earlier the possibility of some defect restricting air was heavily discussed and i believe may be correct.
However, if I'm wrong and I simply hate the "hard draw" on it......well, my return options through seller would be exhausted and I'd have a vape that wouldnt be used.

For $170, that prospect frightens me.


Queer in a high haze
No, due to the high current demands you want to use the same AW brand IMR 14500, a 600 mAh battery. Other, lesser, batteries will run longer but cooler....and most guys want heat....

This one:

The maker actually made a very smart choice IMO as they have for other applications in their line. Solid engineering.

I take that also applies to the Ultralite model too? Is there a larger battery option(maybe from AW) you an use on the Ultra? Thank you for the reply.

BTW what is the battery size on the standard kit?


Well-Known Member
I take that also applies to the Ultralite model too? Is there a larger battery option(maybe from AW) you an use on the Ultra? Thank you for the reply.

BTW what is the battery size on the standard kit?

Yup, IMR 10440 is the call. AW doesn't supply them AFAIK (I understand it's "Andy Wong" or some such and he doesn't make anything but brokers top quality from several makers), the one TV provides is the top of the line, it's 350 mAh. Do not be tempted to try unprotected Li-ion 10440s, you can kill them on the first deep discharge.

The standard uses 17670s, a protected Li-ion popular in the flashlight world (they have the same issues as us):

You're welcome, glad to help when I can.

You'll be happy with any of them, just keep in mind that little guy won't drive Evolution and DART and Revolution will only give you 25 or so hits. Keep charged batteries handy.....



Active Member
They said they are trying to add them to the site today I believe. So the next day or 2 I'd imagine?

Order it all together. 1 set of batteries is 1 bowl, but in the T1 its a fairly large bowl. It should be significantly stronger than your MFLB IMO. Whole new league. I've enjoyed a MFLB for years, but the T1 blew it away and I sold the MFLB.

Thanks, DR. :) I no longer use the MFLB. I feel that it's a good "starter" vape, but it kind of felt like a toy to me. I understand that the TV is a whole 'nother beast, and I'm comfortable with a learning curve. I've just decided that concentrates are much more convenient on-the-go, and the TV seems perfect to that end.
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Vaporizer Manufacturer
Nothing is working. Ive contacted TV and the retailer.....not sure what im hoping for here.
I assume TV would attempt to repair it, im almost frustrated to the point of trying to exchange it.
It physically hurts to try to hit this thing...slow, fast, pulsating....all futile.

We are in today, just WAY behind and running a light crew. Please call or email us so we can get you taken care of.


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Queer in a high haze
Yup, IMR 10440 is the call. AW doesn't supply them AFAIK (I understand it's "Andy Wong" or some such and he doesn't make anything but brokers top quality from several makers), the one TV provides is the top of the line, it's 350 mAh. Do not be tempted to try unprotected Li-ion 10440s, you can kill them on the first deep discharge.

The standard uses 17670s, a protected Li-ion popular in the flashlight world (they have the same issues as us):

You're welcome, glad to help when I can.

You'll be happy with any of them, just keep in mind that little guy won't drive Evolution and DART and Revolution will only give you 25 or so hits. Keep charged batteries handy.....

And the 17670 in the TV is rate at what MAH? CS told me that the Ultra and UltraLite only worth with their LV carts(including the Evo I am looking at), which only works with 3.7v batteries.

The thing is I like the size of the Ultralite, but the battery isn't the best base on old ecigs I had at that MAH. The Ultra is better, but still a bit short. So, there is no way I can use a protected+rechargeable 900mah battery rated at 3.7v on an Ultra? Thanks


Well-Known Member
And the 17670 in the TV is rate at what MAH? CS told me that the Ultra and UltraLite only worth with their LV carts(including the Evo I am looking at), which only works with 3.7v batteries.

The thing is I like the size of the Ultralite, but the battery isn't the best base on old ecigs I had at that MAH. The Ultra is better, but still a bit short. So, there is no way I can use a protected+rechargeable 900mah battery rated at 3.7v on an Ultra? Thanks

1600 mAh (note the cases, mili is always LBC, Amperes UC (guys name) and by convention hours is LC; in the other case they mean something else.....). And again, it's a protected cell but one optimized for high power, hence the flashlight fans.....or is it the other way?

Sorta true, TV only uses them on LV. However you can put two of the IMR 15250s in and run 7.4 volts, not suitable for SV devices, but you could run 5 Ohm Omicron carts on one. One of my favorite vapes is the ultra with an adapter running Omicron carts. Not as strong as DART perhaps, but it loads itself which can be nice. Big cloud guys would get off on five Ohmers I bet? Remember, TV supplies will be a little hotter than V2 or Persei with the same battery due to lack of electronics. This is more important with some carts than others. I would not recommend Evolution no matter what anyone (including TV) has to say. It barely runs DART. I got 1 3/4 pretty lame hits. Remember it demands more power by a fair bit and needs to run maybe 40 seconds for a full cycle. It just runs out of steam. DART is a 10 or so second hit deal and lower power and it pushes that little guy hard. Being Radiation rather than Convection helps here, not as much as Omicron with conduction (which still produces useful vapor when underdriven). Don't go with DART on the 10440, you won't like it.

You can run anything you want in the Ultra. If you're serious about performance IMO the factory battery is right. I'm not alone on this, notice what ships with Omicrons and Persei? Use whatever makes you happy?



Queer in a high haze
Well I am want solid performance(as in minimal wasting and even cooking), with acceptable battery life to size. All I am going to use the TV for is for plants/flowers, and 510 ecig atty.
The CS rep over the phone said the Ultra maybe a little low battery wise for many, hence why I asked about larger MAH battery for that model? Will a battery like this be any good, or will the Alpha Ultra work not work optimally? http://www.amazon.com/TrustFire-Protected-Rechargeable-Batteriesed-Batteries/dp/B005X4SG7W/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1340760119&sr=8-2&keywords=14500 protected battery


in flavor country
:mmmm: Lolllllollooollllllolllllolllllooolllllolll :love:

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