it isn't very difficult to solvent extract from kief.
for pressed hash, i warm the iso first, to get it to dissolve. then cool it before filtering. waxy kief shells get left behind in the filter
after evaporating, it will look like you have half as much but really its all there just twice as strong.
I have been throwing all my vaped smokables into the same pile - hash and weed into the same pile -
is it possible to do a good ISO extraction of both these plant matter together at the same time??
I've never done it, but understand it is effective (although the taste is not the best.....). Remember, the yield on ABV is going to be pretty low (you've pulled most of the THC out already). Still, waste not, want not as we Colonials say.
Of course we also use the 'chicken soup logic' at such times....."Can't hurt, might help".
Good luck.
Best of luck. Looks like if this doesn't do the trick I'd better never re visit the UK....... Lucky I'm not using my real name I guess?
need a portable unit that is hardcore as I'm a musician (Ruben Vine) and I need something when out and about.
i am having trouble with their website. i want to order a Dart LV, but can't find it.
i see the dart loader and the TV Rev cart, separately. but not sure if they fit each other.
also, would they sell an adapter to use it on Omicron head or do i need to get that from d9?
I know what you mean, sometimes I can't find stuff I know is 'right there'.....
I believe things not immediately available get taken off the site until stock is available, that could be it? I also recall the body for the DART was out of stock and hung up in production somehow. They had the same part with AVA markings from their e-cig line that would work if folks wanted one. Otherwise ordering the LV Revolution and asking for the DART version instead has worked in the past (same price).
I'd give 'em a call or email and see what they suggest.
Yes, both TV and D9 sell the adapter to run DART on Persei. That is to run TV stuff on D9 supplies. Neither of them sell the adapter to put Omicron stuff on TV supplies, something I find kinda funny really.
Good luck.
greetings againSorry you're having troubles. Pollen will be a huge challenge (which is why I guess it's not normally recommended), there's just no resin there to melt (Bubble and other hashes have at least some), you're trying to fry in a dry pan. It's conduction, the material has to be in mechanical contact with the hot surface, and you're trying to make that happen with microscopic dust that's not even round most likely.
I know it's not what you want to hear, but for pollen I'd have suggested Evolution, not Revolution I think. Evolution is a convection vape, it does the good work with hot air, not physical contact. Same as Iolite and Solo (which are working for you). You'd need some 'gauze' or I think better a bit of the pad Volcano sells for such concentrates in their convection vape under it to keep it out of the heater (those of us with access to bud and with jars of ABV around use that instead usually).
How to make it happen with what you have I'm not at all sure. Thinking out loud, I wonder if mixing a bit of some high temperature safe oil (like Peanut oil?) might improve the contact and 'deep fry' the pollen rather than let it rattle around on a dry surface? If you had bubble, wax, oil or other resin based concentrates available that would be ideal but if you did you'd probably be using that, right?
Again, I'm sorry you're having troubles, but it's a tough material to vape this you've discovered.
I also am a consumer of vast amounts of pollen -very similar looking hash to what you have posted.....
I ordered the TV evolution and volcano liquid pads with the advice of OF for the same reasons you and he mention.
I am still waiting for my order to be dispatched! Two weeks today! NOT HAPPY!
But as soon as it is through my front door you can be sure I will try it out with some hash of this sort and post the results. I live in UK, so when they do FINALLY get my products in the mail, I will still have to wait around 2 weeks for it to get here. So if it helps I can test before you buy if you have the patience.
Mr Five-Hundred
greetings again
Evolution has been shipped and in the meantime I have got hold of some Volcano Liquid pads as suggested to protect the heater from pollen dust but they are pretty big much bigger than diameter of thermovape base/battery section, do i presume you have to chop them down and modify to fit?
regards x
I would say that the only drawback or even remotely negative aspect of the customer experience is the website. I think it is truly phenomenal that you guys design and offer high quality machined interchangeable parts, but it is confusing for the end user when offered independently - particularly considered in the context of the "horizontal scrolling" navigation that your web designer feels should be the new paradigm. Suffice it to say I think if you listed some "kit" items, as your wholesalers do, it would be a little more clear what combination various interested parties should be looking for.
ok, i ordered LV cart and adapter but couldn't find how to put a note on the order.
so i emailed to say i wanted the dart version and a few minutes later got a response that it will be taken care of for me.
i'm excited, new oil tool in my future.
Hello all,
I'll have to say I haven't been using my Revolution as much as I'd like. It seems that I can't get the ceramic clean enough (even soaking in ISO several days) and it still doesn't absorb oil very well anymore. Not getting very good hits, even after loading in a lot. Any suggestions? Is there a way to replace the ceramic?
I might have to do the same thing. Ive had my dart for a lil over a week and its losing vapor production quite quickly. Friend just got his on tuesday and wow total difference in vapor production. His=Clouds Myn=Very Slight vapor and frustration
Ive had it soaking for almost 24 hours in a closed mason jar outside so it can get warm. Hopefully a good cleaning is all it needs