When I first got a Twist, just to play with, I used with an adapter for Omi carts. It worked very well, but the dial would sometime turn in my pants pocket, which seemed "dangerous" to me (it can drive a 2.4 Omi to a far too hot temp).
I put it on the shelf and ignored it for a while, until:
Also in the meanwhile I had gotten an ecig threaded voltage meter to measure voltage under load . I discovered that the Twist I had delivered nearly exactly whatever it was set to for a 2.4 Ohm cart, but EVEN BETTER, with a DART, it delivered 3.98 volts for any setting of 4 volts or higher - i.e. I didn't need to worry about burning it out

Since I have 2 LV DARTs, I ordered a second 1000mAh Twist - It reads a consistent 4.01 volts under load at any setting of 4 or above. Anything above 3.6 works well, but the heat up time at 4 volts is usually under 8 seconds for me, with lots of thick tasty vapor before 12 seconds - very nice. It also seems I have to clean them less frequently now I'm running them hotter.
Before this recent switch, my LVs (yea I have a SV too) had been in V2 eGo-T 18650 mods - With IMRs they come off the charger delivering about the same as the Twist, but drop down quickly. Protected cells are "worse" (i.e. much less than IMR). Also, The eGo-T tube modes performed almost exactly the same as a Persei, which is better used with a pair of Omi carts (no comparison on the quality though - the $20 mods have coarse threads which are easy to strip and the parts seem cast and polished, not machined),