^Nice looking budder bruno and very cool mod. If I wanted to build a mod like yours exactly what pieces would I need to order from madvapes? I can't seem to find that battery box.
*Update* After a good soak in iso, followed by boiling and drying @200f in the oven the DART is back to functioning like new.
Only problem now is the switch location on the ego batts makes using the rev almost impossible after a couple minutes. I need to come up with a makeshift sleave until I can whip up a diy mod or get an Alpha lite or both. FWIW I'm loading 50mg-100mg dabs at a time and getting 3-5 nice size clouds, any bigger than 100mg and the dart seems to flood and can't produce vapor as effectively IME.
Current technique is as follows:
(from cold or warm start)
1.) Prime for 20-40 seconds (similar to torching a Ti nail)
2.) Drop dab into chamber
3.) Prime/heat another 5-10 seconds
4.) Test sip for vapor production, if thin/whispy wait another few seconds
5.) Slowly sip in small repetitive cycles
6.) Exhale
7.) Repeat Steps 3-6 until hits are thin/whispy then reload DART
For a PAYG device, the performance of the REV DART LV is unsurpassed.
*Update* After a good soak in iso, followed by boiling and drying @200f in the oven the DART is back to functioning like new.

Current technique is as follows:
(from cold or warm start)
1.) Prime for 20-40 seconds (similar to torching a Ti nail)
2.) Drop dab into chamber
3.) Prime/heat another 5-10 seconds
4.) Test sip for vapor production, if thin/whispy wait another few seconds
5.) Slowly sip in small repetitive cycles
6.) Exhale

7.) Repeat Steps 3-6 until hits are thin/whispy then reload DART
For a PAYG device, the performance of the REV DART LV is unsurpassed.