Okay, here is an update on my OLD Dart core
I ran around 10 grams total of BHO through this Core (medium grade)
"Washed" 4 times
I stated it was "GUNKED UP!"
It was! (zero vapor from loading up .2 or .1 or .15 wax, I Mean zero vapor for every variable! basically zero airflow!)
My methods before involved:
- boiling 20 minutes
- 3 hour iso soak (70% iso)
- 20 min. boil
- air dry for a day
Outcome = didn't work very well (I repeated this process about 10 times throughout its lifespan)
New method
- Buy 91 or 99% ISO (I think it was darkrom who persuaded me to buy 91% or 99% ISO from his recent post in the Cera Thread)
- Boiled for 20 minutes 4 times (10 minute "cooling period" in between boils)
- In between boiling I used a skewer to scrape out the gunk
- (Worked well! JUST BE CAREFUL, NOT A LOT OF DOWNFORCE PRESSURE, JUST SCRAPE AT AN ANGLE and use a light to see what you're doing)
- Popped the Dart into a bag of 91% ISO, then I dipped the bag in and out of some warm-hot water then left it in there for around an hour, (THANKS TO Krazzykid for this tip!) keep an extra amount of warm water at hand
- IMPORTANT (NOT BOILING water and not while the burners are on!) Do this away from the stove if you can)
- Shake bag and move the DART around, basically agitating it
I popped in a fresh battery, Engaged the switch and heard no oil heating up or anything, took a test puff and got extremely harsh vapor. I had loosened up the gunked material from my cleaning method so well and my core worked so well it vaporized the black leftovers on the ceramic when I inhaled and I can now see the WHITE ceramic. After that harsh hit there was NO MORE Vapor and it was just warm air now. So I wasn't vaping nasty oil left over, it was the gunked material on the ceramic floor plate! I took off my mp and dart tip and my core was glowing orange in the middle, not the outsides just the middle. So the residue just basically disappeared!
I have a feeling a 20/20/20 burn with one more boil will rid all of the black residue.
Thanks for reading !