Great Scott!
Yeah, I did that a couple of times as well. However, while doing it the last time it packed in. The light came on when the battery was put in, it had to go in for service. I doubt that's what killed it, but until I'm sure I can't recommend the practice. The latest word from THC says it's OK (it actually just under 5 amps), but.....
And another point, performance was still sub standard relative to the TV units since the Persei had a bigger drop (not as severe as V2 as I recall). I'm hoping the VV upgrade will fix this issue.
But yes, Persei did drive my LV Evolution a few times nearly as well as the TV unit......until it blew up.
OTOH, if I'm following the destruction correctly, you could pull what's left of the bowl/heat core out and screw an Evolution into the T1 adapter base, right? Only the part above the switch is wrecked?
As a guess, you've never worked a Service Desk? Or done Field Circus? There's well over 10,000 TV vapes out there, at this point anything is possible. Anything.
Yeah I'm almost 100% positive I could just get the evo 6v and be fine. But JUST an $85 mistake still stings

I'm a little too vaked to follow, but are you saying that the persei and the 18650 with the LV ebo may have killed the persei? I don't want to be breaking anymore things, especially ones I haven't saved up to purchase yet.