Off to my LHS to get some bubble bags because of you OF. You sell that flower/bubble combo in the evo so well I'm finally takin the icehash plunge. I'm excited, I've never made it before. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Off to my LHS to get some bubble bags because of you OF. You sell that flower/bubble combo in the evo so well I'm finally takin the icehash plunge. I'm excited, I've never made it before. Can't wait to see how it turns out. I'll post pics tonight if I get to make it, my evo should be here tomorrow.
ThermoTeam- can we post the videos we make for the contest here, or should they not be shared?
What I have learned about making bubble, is to not over agitate the plant material, sure you want to get as much of the good stuff out as you can, but if you get too aggressive (using a drill w/ paint stir attachment for example) you end up with a lot more plant material in your end product. I use a thick wooden dowel, and stir the mix of ice/water/plant for about 15-20 mins. Then let settle for about 1/2 hour minimum, then slowly drain the bags, not forcing the liquid through, but letting gravity do most of the work. It helps to have something to hang them from, a door knob for example, or anything that can bear the weight while it drains. This is most true for the last bag which takes the longest to drain. Everyone has their way but after making it several different ways, I found the slow patient way gave best results.You can always run a second or third batch to see how much is left over. I have the 4 bag system, and find it works great.
I still need to test out putting bubble in the Evo, maybe I should do that right now![]()
I know guys are anxious to get to the good part, but I still think this should be tried as a three step process. 20 honest seconds of core heating (trim it back when you've mastered the rest) first, followed by medium speed pull (say 20 to 30 seconds to completely fill your lungs) until you're sure vaping is going on. Tim's "test puff" (just puff a bit of what's in your mouth out and look at it) is proof, otherwise use your best judgment when it's up to temperature (end of step 2). Now, blow it all out. There's a tiny bit of vapor in the last part only really, blow it out so you can take the hit you've worked so hard for, it's ready to go. Honk on it if you want, see what happens. Pull as long and hard as you dare using the heat stored in the core in addition to that being produced as you hit.
3 steps not 2. Preheat with no draw 20 seconds, draw medium speed until vaping starts, exhale and hit it.
I figure over half a minute of heating just to get to the hit at first, but that's only battery charging. Once you master it, you can cut it back and squeeze a few more hits out, but for now I suggest learning what the machine can do?
Mine arrived today. I put my batteries on the charger and the charger showed a solid green light for one of the batteries. I followed your instructions and had immediate success. Thanks a bunch!
My charger has 2 switches on the side, one for 300Ma and 650Ma, and another for 3.2v and 3.7v. I understand the 3.7v. The first switch is set to 300Ma right now. What does that mean? That's how it came, so I haven't messed with it.
@OF thanks once again for the tip on the source for the 510 to M601 ( ie adapter needed to use Omicron carts on Thermo's 510 threads). Anyway, adapters work fine so thanks again for the tip and to those out there that need these, "Grab them while they're available!!
So you were able to use the adapter with an Omicron cart on your Evo body Noname? Did you get yours from e-cigz? I ask because so far OF and myself were the only ones to report on the success (or lack thereof) of these adapters and was curious if they worked for you as well.
So you were able to use the adapter with an Omicron cart on your Evo body Noname? Did you get yours from e-cigz? I ask because so far OF and myself were the only ones to report on the success (or lack thereof) of these adapters and was curious if they worked for you as well.
Vapor- Yes I was able to use a 2.4ohm cart on the most recently released ( the one with the new sleeve/insulator) LV EVOLUTION so far w/o any problems. In fact, I was able to get a really stubborn SD filled cart to finally prime and hit properly. I'll mention that I had previously used all the forum and wiki tips to prime, unclog etc. the cart unsuccessfully (hope I haven't jinxed it now LOL). Also, I haven't modified (as in OF's post) the adapters in any way as of yet. Can OF or someone elaborate on the 'need to file'?? Is this needed for air flow?? TIA-just don't want to damage my 'New Baby'.
ditto. they new ones will cut off if tightened all the way, but if left cracked, works finethe adapters I ordered from e-cigz work fine too, no play, just nice, snug fit. No modifications.
Thanks for the info. I was able to get good hits off my 2.4 cart on the Rev body at 6v without modifying the adapter. The hits were more restricted when compared to using an Omicron battery but they were still good cloudy hits.
OF modified his because he was not able to get any type of decent hit. My guess would be that if it is working for you as is then you have no worries of needing any modification unless you find in the future it is not getting the job done.