I spent most of my day reading this thread and I'm about ready to order one. I had some questions. Would you be comfortable taking this to the beach? If you took this to a festival or concert, do you have to sneak it in or can you just say its an e-cig? If combined with an edible, will one "bowl" last a while? If not, will changing out bowls be a pain in the ass? Will I be okay leaving a battery charging overnight? Lastly, how do I know if a battery vendor is reputable, if I've never really used this style vaporizer?
My only experience is with an SSV and an MFLB. I love my SSV. The MFLB is pretty harsh for me and I'm hoping to replace it with this.
K! Gonna try to answer questions, as I also use SSV as my daily driver, love edibles, and find the MFLB nice, but kinda a pain in my ass.
On a beach, A-OK as far as durability goes you're set with the stock handle because it's A-bomb proof, and the thing doesn't look like anything, and produces very little if any smell or noticeable cloud if used discreetly (lees heat up time, more hits, more flavor, faster battery rundown to highness/ratio).
If someone sees this thing and investigates, they are probly gonna take the cap off, and then discover that its filled with whatever its filled with, if you let them find it.... The actual working part of this thing, the cartridge, is like, the smallest thing, like, keep it in your dreads small, and you can carry the handle no prob, nothin' illegal about batteries at a concert...
I would say the quality of what you load it with is the main determiner of whether or not it'll "last a while" with a little cold water extract in there, along with some high quality flowers, this device along with SSV leftover milkshake (silver surfer ABV with peanut butter in a smoothie) has put me to sleep early on the couch. I like vaping with edibles.
Lighthound.com is a badass battery vendor based in Texas. He does good business, always sends a little LED with your purchase. Only sells high quality to a market of mostly conisuers.
Buy a good charger. Like a 4 slot independent charging one with good circuitry, because you will want your batts charged, and you will want lots of them.