Well I went ahead and tried it, so far it doesnt seem to have burnt the core out or anything. How did you know your dart burnt out? Just didn't light anymore? or did it make any noise?
Let's see. No noise. No glow. No heat. Good batteries. Then looked on the bottom of the DART core and saw the LV laser engraved. So I had a pretty good idea what just happened.

Then when I got home I checked it with my ohm meter, and it was open (instead of 1.7Ω).
So far I'm actually impressed with the results, heats the core to red in an instant and provides for thick vapor. Though I could imagine possible trouble if I were to ride the switch too long and let it get too hot. But I got through one load and it was like a slightly quicker 6v Evo?Just warms up literally twice as fast I'd say, maybe its about on par with the HP EVO from what Ive gathered? Either way Im gonna send this baby in to rebuild and become an HP, just wanted to try the battery switch, don't wanna push it too much.
Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your coil, at least until it gets sent back for some steroids. I've always found my 6V DART core on a T1 base to be the best of the gen 1 TET products for oil. My LV DARTS work great too, but they do take twice as long to heat up.
[T]his Evo... quite finicky. I get the hang of it for a bit, then I lose it. For sure more technique-driven than the LB. Doesn't help much that I'm trying to chug it along with the Ultra. Batteries are getting a roughing up that would make Don Corneoli proud
You might want to look back (quite) a ways in this thread for a discussion that Jam and I had about not using the Delrin sleeve that normally goes around the Evo core, and just using a mouthpiece directly into the top of the Evo core. Be wary of the exposed Evo core. It's metal, and it gets hot! If you have one of the ptfe mouthpieces try that first, rather than the Delrin mouthpiece, as one user here reported that he melted the Delrin mouthpiece. I never melted mine, and even though I have a ptfe mouthpiece all I ever use is an extended Delrin mouthpiece, but I wanted to mention it. Oh, and speaking of mouthpieces directly into the Evo core, if you have one with a UFO in the end, that works the best, as it keeps bits of herb out of your mouth, but doesn't restrict your airpath. It does cut down on the available space in the Evo for herb a little bit.
I always found the Evo core erratic when used with the stock Delrin sleeve. Sometimes it would work just fine, and sometimes it sucked, draining a complete set of T1 batteries and not producing any significant amount of vapor. Once I switched to using the mouthpiece directly into the Evo core, it worked great 100% of the time. If it works great for you that way, and you can find the messages between Jam and me earlier in the thread, you'll also see that you can modify the Delrin sleeve by cutting the top off, which allows it to completely surround the Evo core (as designed), while still letting you put your mouthpiece directly into the top of the Evo core. This way you don't burn yourself on the core when you accidentally get too medicated. Best of both worlds. (And if you do love the new setup, and you decide to cut the top off the Delrin sleeve, you can pop out the little UFO that lives there, and put it into the bottom of one of your mouthpieces).
(If you can't find the messages, let me know and I will search for them for you. You can try searching this thread for messages from me, which is probably the easiest way to find them).