Well-Known Member
I haven't used it since the first time only because the button was a pain in the ass to hold in and use at the same time. You got any suggestions here or am I destined to contort to use it?
While it 'does grow on you' I think, there has been a LOT of effort put in here. One of the more popular schemes is to use a rubber cap of some sort. Here's my version:

That's the cap as it comes from the hardware store on the right. I cut it down to half height (on left) to make it easier to put on and off. In the middle is a washer (could be cardboard as some use) holding a much smaller cap in the center. Some guys use a cork or just about anything.
It works well, but I found that for EO use it was not needed. Sometimes, for longer LL sessions, I'll use it. I have two latching switches for Cera, one the last remaining (I think) Beta test one and the other one I made. I haven't used them in some time.
I looked at several videos to see the method and it is good what I'm doing. I dt see where come from the problem;
Have you an idea? Is what that is a problem of manufacturing? Anybody else has the same problem?I think i will contact Thermovape.
I also would like to know if all your ceras, when you shake your Cera a little, do you hear the battery which moves because my cera does not seem to have the battery completely propped up without moving inside?? Maybe its the problème??? Thanks
I'm unaware of any videos showing the correct technique (that is what the maker recommends), can you please provide the link to them? TIA
Are you using '3 steps'? If not, that's most likely your problem. Poor technique, not a problem with the unit. You cannot simply load it up, push the button and expect good results. Nor can you just add XX seconds delay blindly and expect that to substitute for the 3 steps process. This is why I stress it (3 steps) so much, and why others report that it was the key to their learning how.
No, the batteries rattle normally. That's not a problem.
By all means contact TV (and send it in) if you wish, but I bet it's fine........