Hey y´all
So I was sitting around the other day studying for my math exam and dreaming about getting Cera soon. I had earlier that day checked the shipping status and it was stated as in customs clearance, so I thought another week give or take. Anyways all of a sudden the intercom from the street door buzzed and I ignored it at first, since I didn't think it was for me but just the weekly advertizing stuff. Well it rang again and I got irritated so I went to answer and in came the mailman with a suspiciously cera sized package - I wonder what it could be (I actually did). Of course it was the cera and I quickly turned that frown upside down

Especially since I didn't have to pay any import duties, taxes, fees and such which combined is usually atleast a third of the price added. So it only took 6 days from the US to Denmark

Then it hit me I had forgotten to order the charger and batteries from Germany and proceeded to do so immediately. Now I thought my shipping luck was up but I still called yesterday to check the progress and was told Monday at the very earliest - 3 hours passed and the mailman rang my doorbell lol
So its all here now just waiting to be tried out tonight
(placed the evo in the background for extra flash lol)
So I've been checking out your different solutions regarding a carrying/storage case for Cera. And while I am impressed with how yours look and are built its to big and heavy? to carry around all day in my opinion. Anyways I sat out to make a dirt cheap, smaller and lightweight case and I guess this is my contribution (this is the Hobo version, it can be made a lot nicer)
It's basically a piece of insulation for water pipes etc., 2 velcro straps and a piece of cloth - easy fix
Pheew that ended up being a long one and I probably got some more for you when I try Cera tonight