Are you changing the wattage of the EL core?
This is good news. I am very happy they are taking the time to get it right. I'm sure it was good before but if e-cig smokers are a finnicky bunch this might puts them more at ease. Me included.
Are you changing the wattage of the EL core?
I really appreciate the push because without it I may have settled with my pax. I like my pax, but it is a whole different machine, and I doubt it will get much use once these extra batteries show up.
Do you own a T1? If so how would you compare the LL Cera to T1? Can you really vape a full LL bowl without stirring? This would be a huge plus that the Pax and T1 definitely do not deliver. Thanks for any input.
Anyone else can feel free to weigh in on this, basically I want you guys to talk me into buying a Cera.
Convection vs conduction
Is there anyway you could elaborate on why you prefer Cera over the Pax? I currently own a Pax and like it but have been looking at Cera porn online seriously thinking about buying one, but the idea of spending $420 dollars on a portable (w/batteries, charger, and EO cart) seems like a lot of money. Do you own a T1? If so how would you compare the LL Cera to T1? Can you really vape a full LL bowl without stirring? This would be a huge plus that the Pax and T1 definitely do not deliver. Thanks for any input.
Anyone else can feel free to weigh in on this, basically I want you guys to talk me into buying a Cera.
These batteries are being discontinued. That's the only reason they aren't the official TET batteries. There are many around here stocking up on them. So, yes! Go for it, it's a great deal. I've got some on the way.I am looking for ways to save money on this purchase and found this old post about these Amazon batteries:
4pcs Panasonic CGR18650CH 3.6 Volt Li-ion shipping free 18650 Battery 2250 mAh
Will these work as well as the batteries sold by thermovape in the Cera? Sorry, I know nothing about batteries.
Thanks OF for the sage as always advice. The ability to be stir free on the go is really making me lean toward going for it. I am always a fan of better taste. The Pax tastes pretty good on low but anything higher and taste significantly suffers. How hard/easy is it to accidentally combust with the LL cart compared to the T1 SV? Will running less than pristine oil or wax through the EO cart damage it in a way that a good cleaning won't fix. Just curious. Thanks again.
With the LL I'm yet to combust, and I've been sort of trying. I'm sure I'll find a way to pull it off, but they did a damn good job making it a challenge
If you like the taste of the pax on any setting, you will love the flavor from the cera, or rather from your bud, since the cera puts out NO taste itself that I can find.
Fuck it, I'm ordering it now. Thanks man.
Just promise you won't be discouraged. It takes more work than the pax to get a hit, but you get a greater reward with greater effort.
I view it like this. The pax is like a corolla, it will start and drive EVERY time, but it is kind of plain and nothing special, just easy to do what it does. The cera is more like a F1 car, you can get far better performance, you just might stall a few times before you get the hang of it![]()
BTW, we are completely caught up with SS (except for EL orders)!!!
I would have to agree with OF, the set screws are better left for us to adjust or install. There have been a number of cross threaded cores that came back that are a PIA to get fixed. If you want to put the set screws back in, just send it our way and we'll do it for ya.
BTW, we are completely caught up with SS (except for EL orders)!!! If any of you are still waiting for your SS Cera order with an EL and want us to just ship out what we have please shoot us an email
So does that mean the Cera SS LL that I just ordered half an hour ago will ship today? Or tomorrow? That would be great.
Wanna go buy some lottery tickets for me?
If I was a betting man I'd say you're listening to the core form. There's a skinny ceramic rod in the center of the coil for support. By nature, it has to be a loose fit but is retained in the coil by the top and bottom turns (they cut across the ends). This is covered in a lot of detail in the 'how to make a core' lessons I got the other day. The exact length and spacing of the coil has to be right or the rod won't fit. The ones I made were too snug to rattle (my coils aren't all that straight so the core touches along the line) but a more perfect coil could easily have the rod loose, at least sometimes. Aside from that there's nothing else in there that can be loose.
The rattle in mine (I'm the aforementioned fellow) is most assuredly not from the metal/ceramic "float". First of all it still rattles when the core is screwed all the way in. Second, my repaired LL core came back with a threaded base that's jammed, there's absolutely zero wiggle possible by hand, and the threaded part is stuck with a slanted axis relative to the ceramic housing. When screwing it in you can see this if you watch carefully; the o-ring slips in on one side before it does on the other.Yesterday I was at the shop and asked Travis about this (he taught me to wind heaters and build the cores). He offered a couple more insights I meant to pass on yesterday. First a perfectly installed center section and be loose on the pins if everything is dead on causing a rattle when not installed. This 'float' is necessary as Tim has said so stuff can change size with heat. Installing it on the Cera prevents the rattle.
As I guessed, the inner rod can rattle if the coil is perfect, but this is not any sort of a problem and is very likely to change over time. It's not a useful guide to quality.
I just checked again, the one I built still doesn't rattle (coil not straight enough).....Travis must be right?
So does that mean the Cera SS LL that I just ordered half an hour ago will ship today? Or tomorrow? That would be great.
The official stand is it will ship in 1-3 business days.... But right now we have a few ready to ship so yours would probably go out before 5pm today
With that said, mine still appears to work flawlessly. It's good to know that it seems the 'worst case scenario' with my rattle is that the coil is perfect… I'm still not sure what to think about the jammed base of the core, though.