Discontinued Thermovape Cera


Active Member
Sad to hear some folks are still getting problems with these cores or switches and having to call or return to TET.
You guy's are at least getting looked after with replacements etc from TET, but it must be a p.i.a...having just received your long anticipated vape...use it for a day or two and walk it back to the post office for return and then the wait begins once again...:(


Well-Known Member
Where can I get one of those tips?? Can I buy the ones they sell for e-cigs at local vape/head shops?


Well-Known Member
Where can I get one of those tips?? Can I buy the ones they sell for e-cigs at local vape/head shops?

I do believe Ecig attachments work in the EVO mouthpiece but havent tried myself since I have the TET brand tips and they suit my needs so far.
The tips in my pictures are from the previous line of Thermovape products. Hint....Maybe TET should revive some of those old machines and start prdocuing some more moutpieces form the previous generations so we can all experiment without having to hunt down pieces on the used market....just food for thought! :haw:

Long fatter black piece is the Delrin cover from the EVO and the smaller two are just the standard mouthpieces that came with my EVO and were also part of the T1 setup, and lastly the small black piece at the mouth piece of the tubing is from my Vapor Genie, it is the old version on Vapor genies mouthpieces used on the wooden Vapor Genies. Oh and the whip tubing was cut form an Asthma nebulizer tube, the flared piece where I placed the vapor genie tip also fits perfectly into my Zong down stem so its a pretty nifty addition.
(Sorry if i went a little overkill on the response Sonics! I just wanted to be sure that any other interested people would have all the details they needed to avoid clogging the thread with the same question in the future...I probably shoulda just included it in the original post :hmm:


Well-Known Member
The extended open flow mouthpiece with whip attachment is fucking dope huh?!

My Cera without the whip is my portable daily driver, and my Cera with the whip is my portable whip vape ha. It's a lot nicer to use sitting on the couch.

Glad people are finding the results they want. I for one am extremely happy with the open flow mouthpieces.

Now I would LOVE for TET to come up with some sort of open flow white zirconia ceramic mp that matches the Cera, possibly with a built in ceramic screen???? Maybe attached to the cap or something.

Ahhhhhhhhhh ideas ideas ideas.

Edit: I hope TET doesn't feel like I am stepping on their feet. I think these are great suggestions / ideas. If they work and increase the usability of their product I would hope they embrace it. Seems they've always been open to user ideas though.

Not trying to cross any lines here.


Over the falls, in a barrel
Edit: I hope TET doesn't feel like I am stepping on their feet. I think these are great suggestions / ideas. If they work and increase the usability of their product I would hope they embrace it. Seems they've always been open to user ideas though.

Not trying to cross any lines here.
Don't worry about that, in the original Cera thread TET encouraged sharing accessory ideas, such as here.

ThermoVape said:
You guys will be a large factor in determining what will come doen the flow path... in terms of future accessories.

Cheerful Dub

Spaced Station
Speaking of, I have polished up version two of the Cera pad for my buddy, as he does not own any T1 product line and has no need for the smaller diameter sockets. Around 6" in diameter with six ~1"+ holes to fit the body, jars, etc. Crummy phone pic with utility knife, carabiner, safety glasses for scale. Fits great on the desk and doubles as an overly ornate paperweight when empty :lol:



Active Member
I prefer the taste of vaped oil to that of combusted herb, but to each his own. And welcome to oil!! Ahhh, the good life.

Don't know too much about this stuff, but the terpenes are concentrated in the wax & nectar...its the terpenes that taste good.

Enjoy the Cera! I ordered one on 1/1/13, then cancelled after a long wait. I just re-ordered a week ago & hope to be in oil heaven here soon.
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Well-Known Member
This is how I get the thickest vapor:

--Mod the switch so it latches. Insert your battery and leave it to warm up while you grind your herb or at least 30sec.

--Grind up some DRY herb. It is very important that it be dry.

--Pack it into the bowl. I do it halfway, not super tight but firm. I then place a small solo screen on top.

--I then place a glass mouthpiece that I rigged up, similar to the TET version. I get an open airpath this way. I start to puff until I see some vapor, which is almost immediately. From there I get PLUMES of thick vapor. I will post a video soon. I just wish this was possible without so much modding on my end.

This is what mine looks like:


Do u just hit it straight from the glass? Where can I buy these "solo screens"?


Well-Known Member
I just hit from the glass. Sometimes I will attach it to a bong bubbler as well. I got my screens from Planet Vape. They are just small, round stainless steel screens.


Well-Known Member
I was able to drill out and retap a revolution adapter to allow the cera cart to screw directly in. When you retap threads it does thread the portion of adapter occupied by the narrow portion of the switch but doesn't interfere with switch installation as the shoulder of the switch still sits on o ring in shoulder of adapter.
I did have to sand just the slightest amount off of the rim of the adapter to allow the cartridge to engage the stock switch.
I'd post a pic but I'm better with tools than I am with electronics.
Next on my list is a moded cap for a smoke tech natural.
I have all 3 cera carts and haven't used anything else since they showed up. Now just rigging up extra power handles to run em all at same time. And it's fun to play in shop.


Well-Known Member

Is it safe to leave these batteries in my car all day when it gets hot? I tend to leave my Cera in the car when I'm at work cause well let's be honest we all know she can take a little heat. But I normally bring my battery(s) inside in the cool.

Is this something I should be concerned about?


Active Member
I'm the same steama, I like the look of it and believe it's very well built and it will probably be a great vape with a bit of practice...but all these problems, people having to return units etc etc has really put me off getting the c/card out...for a while at least, until they get these problems nailed.

I live in the U.K and could not be bothered with the hastle of waiting for the Cera only to return it after a few days of use...also the return air-freight costs back to TET...would be a pain.

Someday I'll have one...just not yet.


Active Member
Speaking of, I have polished up version two of the Cera pad for my buddy, as he does not own any T1 product line and has no need for the smaller diameter sockets. Around 6" in diameter with six ~1"+ holes to fit the body, jars, etc. Crummy phone pic with utility knife, carabiner, safety glasses for scale. Fits great on the desk and doubles as an overly ornate paperweight when empty :lol:


Thats Great! How did you make it?


Well-Known Member

Is it safe to leave these batteries in my car all day when it gets hot? I tend to leave my Cera in the car when I'm at work cause well let's be honest we all know she can take a little heat. But I normally bring my battery(s) inside in the cool.

Is this something I should be concerned about?

Would like to know as well I leave mine in my hotass car all the time. I usually take the battery out after a ll session, EO is never on long enough to even get the body warm unless I'm loading it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for replying.
I like everything about Cera except I am now concerned about the battery contact issues recently in this thread. Thanks again to everybody.

You're very welcome. Cera certainly has a lot going for it. Lots of really savvy vape users have reported as much here.

OTOH, a number of new owners have reported a number of problems. Some having to do with legitimate hardware problems, as far as we know all quickly and satisfactorily solved. No more, I think, than normal and none it seems not quickly and professionally remedied? Is there one person who says 'I have a problem they're ignoring' or haven't fixed quickly? Now, you're telling me you're hung up on this latest case where I suspect we're talking about a battery size problem (didn't the fellow have trouble with one battery but not another?)?

Anyway, it's your call, but I suggest you review your concerns in terms of 'what is the risk of an unresolved problem?'. There may be a few new owners at any given time having troubles, some of which may be hardware related but many (most?) have more to do with new owners, but there are now over 200 happy Cera owners out there who are enjoying theirs right now. You can get in that line if you wish.....or heed naysayers.

My take is if you have a real hardware problem it'll be quickly fixed once identified. If you have technique issues we'll fix that here. Guys with a lot less going for them than you and I can make this excellent vape do some pretty impressive service......I'd trust their experience.

Is it safe to leave these batteries in my car all day when it gets hot? I tend to leave my Cera in the car when I'm at work cause well let's be honest we all know she can take a little heat. But I normally bring my battery(s) inside in the cool.

Is this something I should be concerned about?
Would like to know as well I leave mine in my hotass car all the time. I usually take the battery out after a ll session, EO is never on long enough to even get the body warm unless I'm loading it.

I would not worry about it. These guys get heated worse making vapor for us. While not ideal, they're intended to be stored in warm/hot locations.....they're used for electric cars for heaven's sake, storing them in your car should be just fine. Self discharge from the heat is probably the largest effect of concern, minor as it really is. Typical numbers are 2/3 of charge remaining after months at 60 degrees C. I wouldn't worry about a few days while you're otherwise using them (charging) normally. I bet you never notice any loss of charge.



Over the falls, in a barrel
Speaking of, I have polished up version two of the Cera pad for my buddy, as he does not own any T1 product line and has no need for the smaller diameter sockets. Around 6" in diameter with six ~1"+ holes to fit the body, jars, etc. Crummy phone pic with utility knife, carabiner, safety glasses for scale. Fits great on the desk and doubles as an overly ornate paperweight when empty :lol:
Beautiful work! I would consider purchasing something like that if someone were so entrepreneurial. Ed? :nod:


Well-Known Member
Yep that's how I use my T1 - only with the 14mm ground glass adapter, with herb not in direct contact with the metal crucible and the T1 has already warmed up to the right temp before I expose the herb to it. You can control temperature somewhat - by altering the distance to your herb. The problem is that the heat in the T1 keeps building up and up, so I expect the Cera will have the same issue.

You really need your herb crucible to be completely isolated and insulated from the heat source - so that you're getting almost pure convection, with no radiant or conduction heating.

Tim - what I'd like to see in a future upgrade is a bi-metallic switch to limit the upper temperature. Like how the Volcano Classic works - it gets up to temp, then the bi-metallic switch (programmed for a specific temperature) kicks in and the heating circuit is broken. Then when the temp goes down past a certain point, it kicks back in again and the heating element activates to bring it back up to temp. That would also give users more safety, and could be what you guys need to roll out the latching switches.

For now - does anyone know of a thermometer sticker that covers vaporization temperatures? Like what you find on homebrew fermenters like this:

That could give us improved feedback on when the LL is up to temperature, and when it's getting too hot...
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nr nodes

Well-Known Member
I was able to drill out and retap a revolution adapter to allow the cera cart to screw directly in. When you retap threads it does thread the portion of adapter occupied by the narrow portion of the switch but doesn't interfere with switch installation as the shoulder of the switch still sits on o ring in shoulder of adapter.
I did have to sand just the slightest amount off of the rim of the adapter to allow the cartridge to engage the stock switch.
I'd post a pic but I'm better with tools than I am with electronics.
Next on my list is a moded cap for a smoke tech natural.
I have all 3 cera carts and haven't used anything else since they showed up. Now just rigging up extra power handles to run em all at same time. And it's fun to play in shop.
Nice. Which Revolution adapter did you re-tap, the older all-metal/plated one, or the updated delrin-covered model?

Still hoping someone can answer my question above about the Cera cartridge outer-diameter (not the threads). I very well may mod my T1 into an adapter, even if major grinding is required.
nr nodes,


Well-Known Member
This is the new setup I have been playing with today:


Some of you will recognize that as the mouthpiece from the $40 knock off bubbler. I am still trying to find the best way to keep it in one place, but it works awesome! Would be cool if TET had mouthpieces like this made.
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