My Cera is broken and I just got the reject call button when I tried calling customer service, and no reply to my email that was sent last night upon the final deciding that there is most definitely some (most likely small) issue with my switch and or body that causes the cores to not fire up every time:/
I have not dropped Cera, havent made any modifications, Ive simply used her as she was designed to be used and not even super heavily, say 1-5 loads per day (Mainly the LL cart)depending if I was showing her around to friends.
Hers whats going on....She worked pretty darn well the first 3 days ( the eo cart was lagging but I assumed I flooded it, so i gave it an iso bath and boiled it to get her cleaned up, loaded her up again that nigh and she was working but every now and then she wouldnt catch and I found myself holding the swtich longer than I had to hold it for my LL so that kind of worried me since the EO should be a smokestack in 10 seconds from what Ive gathered from the other users on FC, and so I pulled out the EO yesterday when I was presenting the Cera to my group of friends and I just end up looking like a dumby with a broken piece because the EO wont work ( the LL did work though it would occasionally not fire up).
I have three batteries that I make sure are fully charged before I test the cores to see if they will fire up.......My discovery baffled my mind... The LL will start about 1/3 to half the time as of yesterday. The LL would begin getting slightly warm but wouldnt glow red, so I unscrew the LL and screw her back in and now it will work, yet its start up time is definitley slower than the first time I got here(I have a vidoe of her out of the box and start up was near instantaneous. SO I try the EO core and it acted similar, took forever to start up and wouldnt even get too hot too touch like she did the first 2-3 times She was working.
Anyways what my discovery was is that the cores (both of them do this) will fire up better If I apply some downward pressure on to the cart (which seems to complete the connection? idk), so it seems that the carts aren't getting full contact with the power supply perhaps? Im guessing the Switch or the body is to blame since the Cores have shown that they can fire up.....and must I say when they did fire up the first few times it was a miracle, I love this device and Im deeply saddened that mine may have fallen victim to the qaulity control issue... I will contact TET again after I eat lunch and hopefully they arent too busy and Ill get something besides a machine on the other end............