Can anyone who dabs chime in on EO performance and taste (assuming freshly cleaned, but used ceramic)?
I also want to hear this. How does the eo compare to the nail in taste and effect? Who has run more than 10 grams thru?
I cannot comment in regards to "after cleaning" because I have not found the need to perform that step yet. By my estimate I have put a half ounce+ of concentrates through the Cera of varying origin and quality since it arrived.
As demonstrated in the original videos once the hits get "whispy" or tasting "thin" then it is time to re-load and re-prime the cart for optimal use. You can keep milking it past this but it is obviously diminishing returns.
As far as I am concerned I have recently completed putting the Cera through my ultimate test, a 4000 mile road trip. Unfortunately around two hours into the trip the switch died and I had to bust out a tin-foil replacement, so the entire time I was using it with the switch housing in place to retain the battery while finagling the foil in place for action. It also did not "bode well" in my mind but it didn't really matter in the end.
This was part of the reason I left the T1 at home, the load capacity was primary concern but the unreliable (once greasy) trigger action was going to be problematic after long stretches of the road. With the battery retained it was just a matter of keeping track of the foil which was annoying but not impossible.
I loaded the EO cart to capacity before departure, hit it twice around every two hours when gassing up, swapped it for the LQ cart and then went on my merry way. This carried me through a 24 hour and a 36 hour trip no breaks, no problems. If you've ever been on a long road trip and had to "maintain" you understand how complicated and problematic this can be. The Cera performed flawlessly and in my opinion this is where it really shines. Why expect it to out-peform a nail and a heady tube? No way, no how.
At the same time, I will never be taking a goddamn oil rig, torch and dabber on a road trip any time soon, even if I did live in a medical state and it was a block away to the fucking In and Out burger.
As one of my buddies discovered you can "burn" the oil suspended in the ceramic by holding the switch down and not inhaling. What this means to me is that as long as you are inhaling at a slow rate, even if it is really "low" on load, it will produce something. An interesting side effect and probably related to the concentrate manufacture is that the vapor production is surprisingly high as the medication drops off. I'm not sure if this is "impurities" or just what's remaining, but I'd imagine it's the other side of the coin Tim mentioned a long time ago - the goodies/absolute best materials vape off at such a low temperature, this is why the first few goes automatically taste superior to a nail.
Similarly as long as you draw through it constantly it seems much less likely to "burn" or "claim up" the remaining concentrate. For me this was a sticking point with the Rev/Dart combo, if people didn't know how to draw appropriately not only did they get a shitty intake, they basically burned up whatever was loaded so it tasted super "claimy" until that was all vaped out and reloaded.
Basically what we have here is a portable e-nail shrouded in ceramics to carry the load. If that doesn't appeal to you, I don't know what to say. The only person at the last trade show I attended who even knew what the Cera was (and if I was selling mine, hint - fuck no) explained to me that he recently picked up his second e-nail, so that he didn't have to "talk over the torch" when his bros were having a session.

To me that was major kudos to TV, as yet again every other rookie under the sun was walking around using/selling their rebranded chinese garbage e-cigs