Has anyone extensively used the delrin drip tips on their Cera? I ask because i received my whip attachment from TET and used it maybe a handful of times, really not much at all, and now i notice there's what appears to be a few burnt/melt marks on the tip of the attachment where it was fitted into the Cera cart.
I've stopped using it for now until i investigate further. The whole point of dishing out the dough for the whip (as well as buying a drip tip) was that it would be a safe option with the PTFE and such, so this sucks. Trying to snap a decent pic but my camera ain't great at macros. It IS possible (though from what my eyes/fingers are telling me unlikely) that it's some caked/burned on oil residue or something, as the surface of the tip gets coated with oil from the cart when you plug it in (since it's recessed into the cart and usually pretty oily all over the place down in there)...
Wiki tells me the melting point of PTFE is 620F, with pyrolysis being detectable at 392F. I'm not sure how hot the SS Cera cartridge itself gets (i know the core inside gets very hot, but does the SS cart itself get above 300F??), my laser thermometer is only showing around 150F on the steel and the ceramic wafer after hitting the Cera a buncha times and getting it fairly hot....
Heading out of town and was looking forward to showing off the whip attachment, but now i'm more concerned about why i just spent money on this stuff if it melts...to be fair it does say 'not for use with cera' on all the delrin stuff on TET's site, so i guess i shoulda known better.

My hope is that i'm trippin and it's just oil marks, but the surface texture appears slightly marred at 4 intersecting points like in a + shape around the very tip which is consistent with some amber discoloration that i can't scrub off. don't really wanna use it more and find out if it gets worse though, what a predicament lol!
On an unrelated note, the thermal cap for the ceramic MP is interesting. Sadly there is NO mistaking the dildo factor once you pop that baby on haha. Seems to do the job well though which is great. Anyone have any tips for REMOVING that sucker? Gosh i had to take off the whole mouthpiece and pop out the tip and then pry and wiggle and pry and wiggle....VERY snug fit...almost like...a....condom bwahaha!
Okay back to work. TIA if anyone has input!