Discontinued Thermovape Cera

Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Well I got my Cera today wow this thing is heavy built like a tank hard as a rock literally.
This thing is built to last for sure, I'm just charging the batteries, I got some 2900 mah 18650 Panasonic 3.7 volt batteries they just fit the charger I have to squeeze them in just fit everything is charging right now.
Made a switch mod I can operate the switch with my thumb , ill post pics later.
Anyway this unit is very nicely built and again heavy , it would be a awesome knuckle buster it's so hard knock someone out with this thing


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
16 posts have been moved off to the thread where you can discuss shipping and whatever else suits you. If you notice some ugly gaps, it was me and I'll do it again if I have to.

Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Well I don't really get the LL cart at all getting something out of this thing is next to impossible small wisps of vapor, certainly no big gusts of vapor maybe its me but the T1 is able to do a far better job even though there is a chance of combustion.
I hope it's just me but I don't understand how Noah was able to produce the clouds he did Cause I can't produce barley a wisp of vapor.
I guess ill keep on trying anyway this thing gets so hot the mouth piece ouch! I don't get it yet maybe ill get it but as for now I'm not impressed.
Know the EO cart is a different story all together.
I'm really impressed with this cart it produces a lot of vapor and is easily controlled now I find that you have to wait a bit for the cart to start producing. Vapor and its not like it comes pouring out I find but as it heats up and y start to pull on it it releases a whole lot of vapor my first shot knocked me on my ass I choked a lot but now I found it very smooth in truth no other oil vape is as smooth as this EO cart.
So I like th EO cart a lot mind ya I've only have 5 rips off of it and I'm feeling the meds taking effect.

Well I'm gonna actual time everything and then try some of the different oils I have see the differences between them I have 5 different kinds of oil.
Till later on.



I remember reading about placing an o-ring on the LL cart and it seriously improved vapors for someone. I can't remember who and I'm gonna get real busy in a sec, but I know I read it. Might not be too many pages back considering (irrelevant) posts keep getting moved.


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of the additional o-ring.

I guess I still don't get this. What is it supposed to be doing? The bottom ring on mine effectively seals mine, if I cover the four inlets with fingers it doesn't draw already. And if air did leak in there, it shouldn't make much difference you'd think since the inlets in the cart are smaller.....

Perhaps I'm missing something, what's being improved please?




Well-Known Member
Okay now this is just a guess so please don't go crazy and think it's more than that or some big deal.
What if one or two of the early LL chambers and NEW bodies are a little out of spec and allows a small amount of air though and by adding the larger black o-ring it stops the leak?? Just a GUESS.
What do you think OF possible?
Most likely it's just a learning cruve and evrybody will work it out soon.


Vapor Sloth
Well I don't really get the LL cart at all getting something out of this thing is next to impossible small wisps of vapor, certainly no big gusts of vapor . . . I hope it's just me but I don't understand how Noah was able to produce the clouds he did Cause I can't produce barley a wisp of vapor.

This is exactly why I did not order a Cera. Noah is a super experienced vapist and you could see he was "working" pretty hard, imho, to get what he did on that demonstration video. In a way we are lucky to have videos, but the technique, or lack thereof, by the user, plus quality of LL meds, plus the lighting conditions . . . it can all add up to something you might not expect when you get to "try it at home"

Personally, I'll be looking elsewhere for a LL portable.


Well-Known Member
The LL is like the T1 in technique...long and slow. Not so much for a quick hitter...more for the reflective type vaporist. As long as it is medicating...it is working.
Fully agreed, though I haven't gotten my Cera yet for personal testing. I never treated my T1 as a 'cloud chasing' device or for large exhales. I want smaller amounts of vapor at a time that I can absorb most of each hit. But to get 'medicated' or even beyond that it worked well if you're patient and see it as it is, a high quality, more medical device.


Well-Known Member
What do you think OF possible?
Most likely it's just a learning cruve and evrybody will work it out soon.

Through faith all things are possible.....or so I'm told.

However, leaking air makes it easier to draw. Really. Take the lower ring out and see.

For sure there's a learning curve, not at severe as some, but just as real. I think most guys will sort it out quickly enough and get what they want from it (provided that's realistic of course, there's only a pinch of bud in that bowl.....).

We know that first hand, and finally there are other owners to share that confidence. I think you'd agree with me that Cera is very forgiving of 'misuse' by the user and can be counted on to give you a fresh start at working out a better way?



Well-Known Member
Can anybody describe the optimum draw speed to get decent amounts of vapor for the LL?

How's the flavor on the EO cart after you've vaped more than a gram or two in it? Does all the oil get heated when it vapes? I'm just trying to understand if some of the load gets held farther from the heater than other parts of the load and how does it effect flavor.


Well-Known Member
For sure there's a learning curve, not at severe as some, but just as real. I think most guys will sort it out quickly enough and get what they want from it (provided that's realistic of course, there's only a pinch of bud in that bowl.....).


OF, how much is a "pinch" of bud? In relation to the T1, same, smaller?
Also, I had thought you could pack it pretty tight if you wanted bigger hits.
Didn't look like Buchee was having any problem getting it to produce nicely.


Well-Known Member
I guess I still don't get this. What is it supposed to be doing? The bottom ring on mine effectively seals mine, if I cover the four inlets with fingers it doesn't draw already. And if air did leak in there, it shouldn't make much difference you'd think since the inlets in the cart are smaller.....

Perhaps I'm missing something, what's being improved please?



It was me that added the o-ring and am sticking with my guns :-) I found without it if I blocked the inlet holes I could still draw air through, but because this was coming around the side and not up through the core it was,
A: not getting heated
B:: not passing through the load
with the extra ring I could not draw at all with the holes blocked, so I know for sure any air I pull through is working for me. Now I'm sure not every ones unit is the same Buchees for instance seems to work fine without this addition

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Well-Known Member
It was me that added the o-ring and am sticking with my guns :-) I found without it if I blocked the inlet holes I could still draw air through, but because this was coming around the side and not up through the core it was,
A: not getting heated
B:: not passing through the load
with the extra ring I could not draw at all with the holes blocked, so I know for sure any air I pull through is working for me. Now I'm sure not every ones unit is the same Buchees for instance seems to work fine without this addition

Thanks for the additional information. However leaks there do not effect airflow though the core. The MP seals to the bowl with two rings. All the air allowed into the bowl has to come up through the floor plate....through the heat core. Put another way if the only way in is through the core all the air has to come that way.

I don't doubt you like it better that way, I'm just trying to figure out why it makes a difference.

OF, how much is a "pinch" of bud? In relation to the T1, same, smaller?
Also, I had thought you could pack it pretty tight if you wanted bigger hits.
Didn't look like Buchee was having any problem getting it to produce nicely.

I load about .1 in mine, a bit less than a MFLB trench (which is .125 grams for me). You can pack more in, but not a lot more. T1 was none too big but Cera is 20% smaller. Power users will have to change bowls more often, but the more modest users won't be burning up their batteries trying to heat more herb than they need for the session. A trade off for sure.

FWIW I'm with Buchee, I'm able to get all the vapor I need/want from Cera LL. I know, however, there will be some for whom most any level will not be enough. We live in a world of multi gram per day dabbers and 7 gram blunts.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the additional information. However leaks there do not effect airflow though the core. The MP seals to the bowl with two rings. All the air allowed into the bowl has to come up through the floor plate....through the heat core. Put another way if the only way in is through the core all the air has to come that way.

I don't doubt you like it better that way, I'm just trying to figure out why it makes a difference.

I load about .1 in mine, a bit less than a MFLB trench (which is .125 grams for me). You can pack more in, but not a lot more. T1 was none too big but Cera is 20% smaller. Power users will have to change bowls more often, but the more modest users won't be burning up their batteries trying to heat more herb than they need for the session. A trade off for sure.

FWIW I'm with Buchee, I'm able to get all the vapor I need/want from Cera LL. I know, however, there will be some for whom most any level will not be enough. We live in a world of multi gram per day dabbers and 7 gram blunts.


That's the thing it took me a few experiments to work out what the problem was and it was only after wrapping the gap between top cap and body with sticky tape did the idea for the o-ring come to mind. That is because I found air was leaking into the gap and up the side of the cart and into the MP, hence not following the desired path through the heater.

Now I don't want to argue with you as I value your wise input to this forum, so to be sure I will run through my tests (as they are) again



New Member
Quite true. If only we could all be so lucky to smoke such luxurious amounts. Perhaps some day when my rapping career finally takes off...:lol:
I foolishly sold my old vape when I preordered the Cera. Having to smoke more via pipe is not a privilege, it's a chore. If only I could get concentrates!


Well-Known Member
That's the thing it took me a few experiments to work out what the problem was and it was only after wrapping the gap between top cap and body with sticky tape did the idea for the o-ring come to mind. That is because I found air was leaking into the gap and up the side of the cart and into the MP, hence not following the desired path through the heater.

Now I don't want to argue with you as I value your wise input to this forum, so to be sure I will run through my tests (as they are) again

Thanks for the additional information. While a leak past the two rings makes sense in terms of bypassing the heater I can't make that happen on mine (obviously). At one point I had a very minor leak above, but they changed the smaller o-ring in the top (between the MP and the cap) and that fixed it (although it now 'floats' a bit less than before. IMO all the production units have the tighter ring.

FWIW I can't get a leak of any significance going with only one ring engaged either?

No argument, just trying to understand what you're seeing since I can't repeat it showing an advantage. Hopefully more teat results will come in and shed some more insight?

Thanks again. IMO worth understanding.

I foolishly sold my old vape when I preordered the Cera. Having to smoke more via pipe is not a privilege, it's a chore. If only I could get concentrates!

Bummer. For sure 'resorting to blazing' is not a first choice with most. Too bad you don't have a backup vape to fall back on. IMO having a MFLB, VG, Vapman, FV or similar 'low cost vape' is not only good insurance against problems with the main vape but can be a fun alternative when you're in the mood? Perhaps in the near future your finances can allow for this as well? Otherwise, once Cera gets there, thoughts of alternative vapes are likely to be few and far between for a while........



Well-Known Member
Some interesting finds thus far with the LL:

1. Last night I vaped 3 bowls one after the other. From the first inhale off the second bowl I got instant vapour.....no 20 second or longer inhales either. 10 second tops....copious amounts too, some might say cloud chasing. I sure would.
2. On the 3rd bowl I went directly to my large glass water piece which I would say is way too big for my Cera. Nevertheless I was getting huge amounts using about 10-15 second inhalations. I know some would say 10-15 seconds is a long time but because of the size of the airholes there really isnt any strain. Example: Take a straw with a small hole, maybe those small red ones from lubricant cans ((wd40))...clean obviously.....and inhale from that...slow and steady using your diaphram...to me its like meditating...you'll get the idea. I use my diaphram when i inhale, so I start from my stomach and work upwards. This is how we as humans should really be breathing....not from our chests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaphragmatic_breathing

I'm getting better and better at this too. So for those of you who just got theirs(Medical Mark), don't despair...there is a learning curve as you've seen from my first video to my second one.


Well-Known Member
Some interesting finds thus far with the LL:

1. Last night I vaped 3 bowls one after the other. From the first inhale off the second bowl I got instant vapour.....no 20 second or longer inhales either. 10 second tops....copious amounts too, some might say cloud chasing. I sure would.
2. On the 3rd bowl I went directly to my large glass water piece which I would say is way too big for my Cera. Nevertheless I was getting huge amounts using about 10-15 second inhalations. I know some would say 10-15 seconds is a long time but because of the size of the airholes there really isnt any strain. Example: Take a straw with a small hole, maybe those small red ones from lubricant cans ((wd40))...clean obviously.....and inhale from that...slow and steady using your diaphram...to me its like meditating...you'll get the idea. I use my diaphram when i inhale, so I start from my stomach and work upwards. This is how we as humans should really be breathing....not from our chests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaphragmatic_breathing

I'm getting better and better at this too. So for those of you who just got theirs(Medical Mark), don't despair...there is a learning curve as you've seen from my first video to my second one.

Hey Buchee,

Nice to hear that you're getting such nice results. I think your take on diaphragmatic breathing is spot on! In the early TET CERA videos, Noah appears to be using that exact technique (and as you asserted, it is indeed a breathing method utilized by many during meditation as well in 'relaxation breathing'). MD's have told me that the traditional 'deep breath by inhaling and puffing one's chest out' can actually inhibit the amount the lungs can hold due to the additional pressure against the rib cage. Certainly not what we're shooting for here. Thanks for the input. Any chance of a video showing 'those huge amounts?.

Due to my father being terminally ill ( I just found out he was terminal after ordering my Cera LL) I feel that I need to be fully on my toes over the next 3 months or so whilst i look after him, so I have cancelled my order with TET until I can devote some time to vaping again.

TET have refunded me straight away with no questions asked.

Top company, I will be reordering soon.

Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Hey all faulty switch was causing all the problems wasn't making a proper circuit but called Zeke and its resolved.
I loaded her up and vapor right away.
Easier then the T1 produces nice tasting vapor I only did one bowl since the issue of heat was fixed but it worked flawless and I can't wait to see what Cera can do once I spend some quality time with her.
Wow now I'm happy and understand how she works and should perform and its awesome.


My name is SMELLYcat and I like to Party!
Hey all faulty switch was causing all the problems wasn't making a proper circuit but called Zeke and its resolved.
I loaded her up and vapor right away.
Easier then the T1 produces nice tasting vapor I only did one bowl since the issue of heat was fixed but it worked flawless and I can't wait to see what Cera can do once I spend some quality time with her.
Wow now I'm happy and understand how she works and should perform and its awesome.

So the fault was repairable by you? What was problem if you don't mind going into detail. Thanks
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