Discontinued Thermovape Cera


Been following this thread for a while and was very excited to get my Cera yesterday afternoon. I'm a first time vaporizer and need a little help.

OF, I'm firing this thing up, giving a generous warm up time. Flowers are ground fine, dried and packed not too loose and not too tight. I get the taste on the first draw, but then it never seems to go anywhere. I'm pulling on it in many different ways similar to the videos. Just not getting vapor. Cera gets pretty hot, so I know the core is going. I'm tired by the end of it... out of wind. When I take off the cap, flowers are still green.

What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?

Make sure you are keeping the power on the whole time you are inhaling. Take slow short inhales (5 seconds) and then exhale. Like you are taking short little puffs. If you keep doing that eventually you will see vapor come out of your mouth. While still keeping the device on start a longer inhale.


Well-Known Member
i would try taking a draw through a WP to increase the vacuum effect. that should keep you from getting too tired or a headache from tugging slow and steady.

interested to see you conquer the learning curve.


Well-Known Member
First off, Howdy welcome to the Forum. Tasty timing for a first vape, well done!

Hard to say what's up, but I think it's very cool that several of the usual suspects have come up with excellent suggestions in less than an hour? How cool is that? They've hit my first pass list for sure.

Let's start at the base. With the bowl empty how long is it taking you to get to 'full blast' on the core. Not just glow, but the final, stable glow that runs unchanged for a minute or more as you keep the power on? While you're doing that, please pay attention to heat buildup in the bottom end. That is the metal of the tailcap, we could be loosing power there.

Anyway, how long does it take to get stable? TIA


Well first off, I'm pretty sure I have a bad core. Doesn't light anymore and has a rattle when shaked like a bad light bulb. So I'll have to wait for a new one for further experimentation.

But to answer your question, full glow (power) at about 30 seconds and the end cap was getting a bit warm after 8 or so minutes. It's possible the core wasn't firing all out since it doesn't work at all now. May have been going in and out. Unfortunately will have to wait until a new core arrives.


Well-Known Member
Well first off, I'm pretty sure I have a bad core. Doesn't light anymore and has a rattle when shaked like a bad light bulb. So I'll have to wait for a new one for further experimentation.

But to answer your question, full glow (power) at about 30 seconds and the end cap was getting a bit warm after 8 or so minutes. It's possible the core wasn't firing all out since it doesn't work at all now. May have been going in and out. Unfortunately will have to wait until a new core arrives.

sorry to hear that amigo. mistakes happen. im sure TET will make it right.


Well-Known Member
Well first off, I'm pretty sure I have a bad core. Doesn't light anymore and has a rattle when shaked like a bad light bulb. So I'll have to wait for a new one for further experimentation.

But to answer your question, full glow (power) at about 30 seconds and the end cap was getting a bit warm after 8 or so minutes. It's possible the core wasn't firing all out since it doesn't work at all now. May have been going in and out. Unfortunately will have to wait until a new core arrives.

Yes, I completely agree with your diagnosis. My bet is there's a connection (most likely on the ground end as I understand the construction) issue with heat perhaps. I've seen it in similar things. Stuff gets hot, changes shape and looses contact, cools some, makes contact..... Bummer right off.

The rest seems pretty normal...for a unit that's running right.

Hopefully the core replacement will set it straight. Hopefully they can figure out how this happened so that it doesn't happen to others.

Thanks for the feedback, I've been thinking of other tests we could run while my battery charges so I can run the same tests on mine for reference.

I hope you have an oil cart to keep you company until the replacement gets there?


john wall

New Member
Well first off, I'm pretty sure I have a bad core. Doesn't light anymore and has a rattle when shaked like a bad light bulb. So I'll have to wait for a new one for further experimentation.

But to answer your question, full glow (power) at about 30 seconds and the end cap was getting a bit warm after 8 or so minutes. It's possible the core wasn't firing all out since it doesn't work at all now. May have been going in and out. Unfortunately will have to wait until a new core arrives.
I'm not so sure yours is broken. It is VERY hard to get any vapor from the T1 is you are a new user, I have a feeling this might be the same for your Cera. I really doubt TET would have the audacity to send a non- fully functioning unit after the B.S they put all you early preorderers' through.


Well-Known Member
Edit: Thanks mods! That stuff just isn't welcome here.

With all the new portables coming out now the Cera looks like it could be king of them all. Until I have full time access to oil though I think I'll have to hold off on this amazing tool.
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Well-Known Member
Hello Thermovape I was boiling my EO core clean and one of the set screws fell out .

I've had this happen on the Beta core. The production version of the base piece is supposed to be tapped differently than mine to keep this from happening. There was also some talk about using anti tamper screws, but I don't think that happened. Does it have a hex socket in the head? Like you need the world's smallest allen wrench? That's what mine needed. .035 inch, half a buck at the local store (I couldn't find any of the several I've had, they're bitty).

3 screws will still work fine, I ran the Beta core that way for a while, but if one worked loose, I'd keep an eye on the other 3 until you get a wrench. I'm thinking maybe TV should consider sending an allen key with the Cera if they don't get a handle on it.....

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7:10 Again
I've had this happen on the Beta core. The production version of the base piece is supposed to be tapped differently than mine to keep this from happening. There was also some talk about using anti tamper screws, but I don't think that happened. Does it have a hex socket in the head? Like you need the world's smallest allen wrench? That's what mine needed. .035 inch, half a buck at the local store (I couldn't find any of the several I've had, they're bitty).

3 screws will still work fine, I ran the Beta core that way for a while, but if one worked loose, I'd keep an eye on the other 3 until you get a wrench. I'm thinking maybe TV should consider sending an allen key with the Cera if they don't get a handle on it.....

Thank you OF I've tried all the Allen keys I have none are quite small enough

Cheerful Dub

Spaced Station
I've had this on my brain for a while now. Originally it was going to be a "Dart Board" for obvious reasons, but I've waited on fabricating a prototype since the Cera announcement.

Considering I needed to be at work to sign for this express shipment today, it all worked out rather well :nod:

Cera-nity now? Cera-ndipitous? Fuck it, tune into the "TV Station" :buzz:



Time to hit the gym, play Santa for a buddy and put these through their paces. As for now I have a place for everything and everything in its place, so my mind can rest easy. Thank you TET :science:


I've had this on my brain for a while now. Originally it was going to be a "Dart Board" for obvious reasons, but I've waited on fabricating a prototype since the Cera announcement.

Considering I needed to be at work to sign for this express shipment today, it all worked out rather well :nod:

Cera-nity now? Cera-ndipitous? Fuck it, tune into the "TV Station" :buzz:



Time to hit the gym, play Santa for a buddy and put these through their paces. As for now I have a place for everything and everything in its place, so my mind can rest easy. Thank you TET :science:

Great stand man, i like how you used the flower of life to make the pattern.


Well-Known Member
you can buy the cell that TV is shipping with the Cera here:


unfortunately it appears that they have increased the price from $10.99 to $14.99 ea... seems the price was changed as soon as the Cera started shipping... :shrug:

Perhaps we're being a bit insular; there have been reports on the ecig forum and other places that Panasonic has stopped making this battery, supposedly due to insufficient demand. :cool:




Well-Known Member
Yes, I completely agree with your diagnosis. My bet is there's a connection (most likely on the ground end as I understand the construction) issue with heat perhaps. I've seen it in similar things. Stuff gets hot, changes shape and looses contact, cools some, makes contact..... Bummer right off.

I hope you have an oil cart to keep you company until the replacement gets there?


I called TET and got great customer service. Hopefully I'll be able to get back up and running soon.

Wish I had the oil... not as readily available where I'm at. Or at least haven't made the right friends yet. But hopefully that will happen and an EO cart is in my future.


Onward Thru the Fog
you can buy the cell that TV is shipping with the Cera here:


unfortunately it appears that they have increased the price from $10.99 to $14.99 ea... seems the price was changed as soon as the Cera started shipping... :shrug:
Note that the shop (link) I mentioned in my previous message has the same battery for $8.99, with fast, cheap shipping options. Mine are sitting in the post office now waiting for a Monday delivery. If you think you would prefer the 1600mAh or 2000mAh AW IMR version, they have them too, also at a great (but not "too good to be true") price.

I have no association with rtdvapor, except as a happy customer. They were recommended to me by a number of people on the ECF (e-cig) forum who have been buying from them for a while.
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Well-Known Member
Note that the shop (link) I mentioned in my previous message has the same battery for $8.99, with fast, cheap shipping options. Mine are sitting in the post office now waiting for a Monday delivery. If you think you would prefer the 1600mAh or 2000mAh AW IMR version, they have them too, also at a great (but not "too good to be true") price.

I have no association with rtdvapor, except as a happy customer. They were recommended to me by a number of people on the ECF (e-cig) forum who have been buying from them for a while.

The quantity is limited to 2 per customer now. :(




Note that the shop (link) I mentioned in my previous message has the same battery for $8.99, with fast, cheap shipping options.

good looking out. it was noted by myself that is for sure. in fact i wasnt going to post the orbtronic link, but once i saw everyone else linking to cells i figured the more sources the better.

can wait to see some user LL video... :cool:


Vaping is a way of life!
Yup, long steady 20 second draws to try and get it going. Just isn't going. A friend tried it as well. Guess ill just have to keep at it... Just was under the impression it was easy to use with any technique.

The bowl dumps easily. Just a quick tap onto hand or surface and load drops out. I'm assuming it will be easier once the herb is vaped!
T1 had the same problems , i could never get anything satisfying out of it, i was hoping the cera LL was going to have an easier learning curve, but seems you have to preheat it longer maybe???!!????
I am only going to order the EO Cera, due to the fact that it looked like noah had to hit LL for almost 45 seconds to get a small to medium cloud!!!

Iam hoping you have a defective core and can get it resolved quickly, Please let us know the status!!!!
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