All right, best to address this one straight out I guess. For sure very soon other guys are going to be poking around with the with the understanding that experiments are going to happen I might as well save folks some time. As an indication of how important/useful I think this might be, I'm going to dip into my future photo posting quota and post a photo of the much troubling switch. Please bear in mind mine is a cosmetic reject, ignore the dings:
Whatever you do, boys and girls, do NOT bend any 1/8 brass rod you have lying around into the strange shape to the right of the switch. Should it accidentally get clipped on the Cera base it can hold the switch in the on position until removed as you can clearly see in the second photo:
We're all adults here (or so the Ground Rules say....), you've been warned.......
You're very welcome, 'call 'em like you see 'em' seems like a good policy to have. Easy to remember, too. That's important to me......
I absolutely think so. It is in their Business Model to support such stuff on a 'one off' basis even. Once the panic dies off a bit I expect a decision will be made on what the 'power saver' (or whatever you care to think of it as) version should be. I'm actually thinking it might want to be a little less than 14, the 12 I started with does a bang up job IMO. Maybe 13? Hopefully more testers can help TV make that decision.
For perspective, the oil cart is 14 as well IIRC, but the juice cart is 10 Watts since 'juice' vapes easier. Tim suggested changing my order (placed before Christmas, too.....) for a spare oil cart for dedicated PG use (love the stuff, if it's my only oil cart I'm finding an excuse to vape it up to put something else in....) to the 10 Watt juice version. Now that it seems the inventory control system is working, maybe they'll give me that cart next time I'm out?
We have actually revised the EL cores, we made them hotter now to ease in the warm-up. This way you can get almost instant vapor with PG/VG fluids. I'll have a cart for you next time, I could of given you one last time but i completely spaced on it....
And BTW i love your switch clip!!! ingenious!!!
OF, I'm confused, Imagine that!
Could you please explain then why they are going with the "hotter one"?
Am I reading this right, you don't recommend it for "general use", what's general use?
So it's going to shorten the total run time, but only give a little faster warm up time, I sure hope it isn't turning into a glorified T1.
Any benefits I'm missing to why they are going with this hotter one?
Doesn't seem that there many pro's to it.
We have done extensive back to back testing with both the "cooler" and "hotter" cores, we chose to go with the "hotter" one because of the significantly quicker learning curve. The battery life is still much better than a T1 and you are still going to see 4x the battery life with the Cera.
In the future we may offer the "cooler" one for those are most concerned with battery life.
I guess with the new safetypin one could do as OF said and just (for instance) tape a marble to the back of the cera and use the safetypin to "toggle" it on and off? just untill we recieve the other switch. or am I completely wrong here?
The bottom cap needs to be loosened before you can put the safety pin in, The Pin is more of a saftey device for when your traveling or need to store it somewhere where it can't be powered on.
Heres a little more Cera porn, a few more getting shipped out!! Even a few international orders!
