Our shipping desk yesterday.

Our shipping desk yesterday.
I have used the HR AVA's both with and without the RES system. I thought the AVA was a little finicky and needed a couple of drops added a few times a day (which seemed like a hassle) The RES which houses an HR AVA as well as a porous ceramic "barrel" was a great improvement.
The Cera Glycerol cart is like a cross between the two. I dripped in a few drops and heated it up about 10 seconds (from dry) and then added about 4 more smaller drops. We were off to the races then! The flavor seems "cleaner" than it's predecessors also the core seems very powerful, so I had to adjust my puff technique to not choke myself. It's some pretty serious equipment for vapor enthusiasts.
Hope you find this a helpful inducement to stop your tarrying and click the BUY NOW button, asap!
On my 3rd inhale yellow smoke shot out of the airholes on Cera and I inhaled a putrid taste. Yup that was combustion all right.
So yes it can combust.
Thanks for that precision buchee.
Mmm i'am so hesitant at this point.....i'm ready to spent 250/300$ for my next portable vape, and the Cera is on my top list but ......no real temp control ........for a vape WHO CAN combust, (even if it seems difficult to do it, it may happen)...... i dont know what to think......
It seems that the Cera LL is heating A LOT. Vids shows us really black AVB, the MouthPiece seems to become really hot (thermal covers, tube using, .....)
Maybe this can be avoid with the ON/OFF switch, but if have to switch 20 times for one bowl ......pffffff !
It seems that the Cera LL is heating A LOT. Vids shows us really black AVB, the MouthPiece seems to become really hot (thermal covers, tube using, .....)
Maybe this can be avoid with the ON/OFF switch, but if have to switch 20 times for one bowl ......pffffff !
Our shipping desk yesterday.
Well the Cera LL cart does get hot it has too to produce vapor IMO, when not working properly before it got resolved it got hot but not hot enough fast enough my abv was vaped in the seance that it changed color but I only got wisps of vapor once in a whole bowl, but after the fix to the switch it heated up instantly and heated the bowl and material and produced vapor.
Now you a have to let the material warm up before starting to draw on the cera but once the heat starts passing through the material at a steady constant rate of air flow you actually feel the plant matter releasing vapor, now its not like the pax or solo its not about just waiting and sucking back vapor but about paying attention to what works, slow steady draws, tight pack, loose pack ect I'm still trying to find the optimal load size, pack and draw speed to accomplish big clouds.
Now I have produced some nice clouds just with the cera and in a water pipe but I'm finding it hard to duplicate it every time but it is possible. Remember the bowl is small and doesn't really give you a whole lot of time to produce a large amount of vapor before its spent bring its size.
I want to make a video but I find it kinda hard and I never sem to say what I want maybe Ill try again today
NoName, Yes i did 3 successive bowls the other night and it took 25 minutes give or take a minute as I had a timer going. I used 2 batteries though. I started the second battery during the packing of the 3rd bowl. The first battery didnt die nor did i notice any change in performance. However, starting from a cold Cera I think you want to start with a fresh battery as I have a noticed a considerably longer warm up time if I started with a half depleted battery. The first battery took close to 3 hours to charge but I didn't time it so I can't be certain. The stock charger doesn't have any readout to tell how many mah were put back in, voltage, etc. Just a red light for charging and green light for charged.
Well we didn't quite make the 50 for this shipment. But we are still here to get more ready for the AM pickup!
Don't worry he's on itI'm loading a actual video of it in action I posted the wrong video oops.
What are the white envelopes?