If any of you are having trouble making visible vapour make sure the set screws are in properly. Although also make sure you dont over tighten.
I believe that you could quite easily medicate to a satifactory level with any kind of hit you want, a succession of short 5/10 second hits would more than easily get her up to temp just as well as one or two 20/above second one.
Getting good vapor is not dependent on the setscrews in any way past keeping the bowl on. It should not change performance much at all, and if it does not having one should improve, not weaken it in vapor terms.
First off, glad you found success with your first vape! Many guys struggle a lot, some sadly give up.
However, I cannot agree with the above advice. Loose screw(s) will not slow production in any way. In fact, since no connection is made with them, they have zero effect electrically and a very very minor role in blocking air flow so it actually pulls a bit easier without them. In a LL cart, I'll defy anyone to tell the difference against the restrictions in the inlets and load.
My guess it the screw adventure ran headlong into the 'getting to know each other' phase?
However it happened, you've broken the code, congratulations and welcome to the fun.
OF or robbo do you remember what size the little baby allen wrench was you used for the cart screws? I think i want to get one just in case.
It's actually
.035 inches, Tim lied about .0035. He lies a lot in case you haven't noticed......
Hopefully screws coming out has been fixed with extra care at assembly and a gauge now being used to check the screws. Cement is also being looked into.
It's no big deal to loose one, but a second one could be a big problem in that if the screws left cant in the bowl they're likely to crack the ceramic at the skirt. Remember the bowl 'floats' on the four screws which are acting as pins.
Not to mention messing with them (taking them out) could constitute voiding the warranty.
Can i just buy the oil cart and use it with my ego 3.7 volt battery? is there any reason this wont work?
Two reasons, you need a thread adapter you don't have (I built mine) and none of the Ego supplies I have is up to the power needed.
Aside from that.....
TheRobbo, you're saying that loose screws causing increased airflow through the ll cart drops the temperature relative to using the same rate of inhalation with tightened screws, which results in better vaporization?
gonna have to try that
Tim mentioned removing a screw in the eo core, for better airflow.
You might want to read it again. The OP said he though his screws being loose
screwed up the cart. It can't make it worse and better at the same time now can it? IMO the effect on oil carts is trivial (remember, I did this drill too when a screw fell out of the prototype I have (the final design has the holes tapped differently to secure the screws (if they're properly screwed in at assembly.....).
Yes, I tried this stuff, no I didn't find any 'secret improvement' or TV would be incorporating it.
And again, you might want to go read the warranty? Not that I think TV would deny you just because you violated the agreement, but it's there for a reason? And there are four screws there for good reasons.
From what I remember TET was talking about switching to set screws so they shouldn't come loose and any early orders with the normal ones can be shipped back and swapped.
Yes!!! Exactly! They know the four screws serve a use and should remain there. Remember, originally they planned on
anti tamper screws, but none were available in the tiny size needed. They clearly never intended the design to feature user adjusted screws. If they did, they'd have included instructions, the necessary tool and changed the warranty terms to allow it?
The change is not to the screw, but to the hole. It's no longer tapped to the bottom which is what lead to some being loose. Assemblers weren't tightening them enough to engage the thread lock part. They've been corrected (I'm told) and a gauge pin is now used to check each screw. Loose ones should be no longer shipped. And as I said, there's been some talk of cement suitable to the temperature, solvent and other conditions is being investigated as well.
The design works well. IMO folks should have some confidence that such obvious ideas were researched?