Some find that the ceramic mouth piece provides much smoother hits.
quite right, thats why i recommended using the plastic straw with tubing connected to a WATERPIPE !
btw, ENELOOP batteries are being made in D size now, inside the D battery are three eneloop AA cells (!)
SO-- evidently -- using the AA 's in parallel is OK... SO this means you can put a bunch of them together in parallel
and in series to get the ampsand volts you need to power the CERA..
make your own battery pack, dont order the CERA mouthpiece OR the switch for that matter, ( hec k -- just get the cart
for all I care!

) and save yourself a hundred and fifty bucks!
Im gonna guess 12 AA eneloops should do it. Maybe you could get away with 9... use groupsvof three in series to make 3.6 to 3.9 volts , maybe a tad higher with freshly charged batts, Im also guess a couple tenths of a volt over the CERA
recommended 3.7 volts isnt going to hurt the cart.
****This just in:
Was having an inadequate tokathon with my cera/bubbler this morning, tried adding more and more amber to
the top of the well, but no improvement ;
SO I MEASURED THE VOLTAGE ! It was 3.3 volts ! So I put in a freshly charged batt. ! So then it worked
FINE ! I am gonna guess that 3.4 volts is the floor when it comes to gratifying oil vaping in the Cera . So, all you folks who worry, just get a voltmeter and check yer volts! peace!
Please correct me if I am wrong about 4.2 volts being OK for the Cera cart !..