So......you just have a screw loose?

I was in the same position, tried waiting patiently...gave up got the Cera and havent looked back. Ill still probably by a mini body if/when its ever released too...I think it would be great if TET simply made the new mini/lite handle an upsized T1 handle. A top cap that was metal on the inside press fit into delrin/Teflon on the outside like the T1 would also be good for heat management and durability.
The T1 style handle would be great for the Cera, not only for its reliability, but also for the fact that LL users could throw a couple dimes in the bottom to give a latching option. I know there were complaints about pushing up the T1 switch but these could be addressed with something like Pipes' StonePad.
The Cera should be a reasonable bit shorter with the T1 style handle too.
I'm torn at the moment as to whether to buy a Cera now, or to wait until the mini/lite handle. On the one hand, I'm certain that the new handle will be more reliable. On the other, I also get the feeling that it will be a replacement rather than an alternative and I don't know if it will be as easy to modify to latch on as the current handle is.
Typeo - sorry. The initial was 4.23v... So subtract 200mV from the difference. My notes were misread late at night.Cool. Let's try starting here?
4.43 Volts is way too high. 4.2 is really higher than you want to go if you want longest battery life. Dropping it to 4.1 will basically double the cycle life of your battery. I don't know of anyone who recommends this level of charge, all the protection circuits out there would cut you off long before 4.43 Volts. Such levels are only possible on unprotected batteries....for a good reason. That battery is seriously overcharged, unrealistically so IMO. Check out chart 5:
They don't show 4.43 Volts of course, but look at the way going from 4.3 to 4.35 kills it off younger, we'd be talking dozens (not hundreds) of cycles. The charger TV specifies (after a lot of testing) was picked because it came closest to getting that 'magic .1 Volt' getting the maximum run time per charge possible without killing the battery off in a month or two (which I think 4.4 will do).
I suggest 4.2 is a more realistic maximum OC voltage, for sure the most Cera was designed around. That should be subtracted IMO, making the more correct in use number 3.2 Volts, not the 3.4 you measured or the 3.6 you're using? And that's for a very fresh battery. The actual nominal value is 3.7 Volts. Under those conditions, the (fairly normal IMO) drops you cite above brings the terminal voltage into the 'around 3 Volt range' not 3.6. For the same resistance cart this will of course drop the current by that ratio, 5*(3/3.6) is 4.1 Amps. Which seems to fit the number Noah named and I'm used to finding.
I think driving it at 5 Amps (3.6 Volts) is higher than normal. In normal use the cart is driven close to 3.0, perhaps up to 3.3 or so 'worst case'. And here I think you want the typical power, not worst case.
Thanks for answering the question, I think I understand the source of the difference of opinion better now.
do not know, but my battery never gets that hot. What does is the cart and it inserts into the base and heats it. The Persei metal never gets that hot so I am not sure I understand why having a ceramic base helps there?IMHO there are definitely benefits to the fact that the Cera is ceramic. I really like having a ceramic airpath all the way through, but then that only requires the part of the Cera above the cartridge's battery terminal to be ceramic. But then, if the rest of the Cera was metal, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take the big rips off of my loose leaf through my friends' high end glass without a heavy duty oven mitt (obviously ceramic is a much better heat insulator than metal). But then, I suppose a heavily insulated thin metal body would do the trick (heck, with enough insulation maybe my friends wouldn't sting their hands taking said big rips), but that comes at the cost of design and manufacturing simplicity.
Everything is a traedoff...
but then I would be quite the happy camper if the Cera's impedance was lower- it would heat my batteries less and my cartridges more (and more importantly, faster!) Thus me considering going off the deep end with military/audio hi fi contact cleaners and enhancers (I figure with the low impedance and voltage numbers involved, it might just make a noticable difference). IMHO we should continue our Cera R&D on this forum, and I'm all
as long as Thermovape is doing the same.
Carry on Gentlemen!![]()
So......you just have a screw loose?
Typeo - sorry. The initial was 4.23v... So subtract 200mV from the difference. My notes were misread late at night.
The load numbers are correct. Sorry
So actually that makes the difference even worse. Thanks. Now the Persei drops .68, and the Cera 0.802 - now its 25% difference. Oh my.
No out there
do not know, but my battery never gets that hot. What does is the cart and it inserts into the base and heats it. The Persei metal never gets that hot so I am not sure I understand why having a ceramic base helps there?
Are you saying the base gets hot if it was metal. That doesn't happen on the Persei under the same condition.
Air path/ceramic... what does that have to do with the base? I don't undrstand. Does nothing there.
Unbelievable - now we are discussing the meaning of impedance verses resistance. Cap verses resistors. Oh wow - really. Impedance has a frequency component. Its not a "CAP" thing, its a frequency thing. It applies to inductors, wires and anything to describe the "resistance" based on Frequency - which can be 1uHZ, its just a number and there is a frequency component to everything electrical. Moreover - that battery is a HUGE EFFECTIVE CAP, in fact caps are used as batteries for backup on many devices. The is no issue using impedance to describe resistance in this situation. Splitting hairs.
I wish we could make forward progress here, but I am coming conclusion that may not possible![]()
So actually that makes the difference even worse. Thanks. Now the Persei drops .68, and the Cera 0.802 - now its 25% difference.
Unbelievable - now we are discussing the meaning of impedance verses resistance. Cap verses resistors. Oh wow - really. Impedance has a frequency component. Its not a "CAP" thing, its a frequency thing. It applies to inductors, wires and anything to describe the "resistance" based on Frequency - which can be 1uHZ, its just a number and there is a frequency component to everything electrical. Moreover - that battery is a HUGE EFFECTIVE CAP, in fact caps are used as batteries for backup on many devices. The is no issue using impedance to describe resistance in this situation. Splitting hairs.
I wish we could make forward progress here, but I am coming conclusion that may not possible
Oops... I think I meant resistance. My electronics knowledge is kind of nonexistent- it is resistance that creates heat right?
I apologize for merely creating further consternation and confusion
At the end of the day, I just want to be able to touch my Cera in more than one specific place when the core is really hot, and for the core to heat up faster, for a number of reasons.
I was in the same position, tried waiting patiently...gave up got the Cera and havent looked back. Ill still probably by a mini body if/when its ever released too...
As for the bigger T1 idea, i think they thought of that already but it wasnt possible to build a battery tube big enough for the 18650 battery with the machines they had so they gave up. Its a nice idea but I dont think something that will happen. The mini/lite is supposed to go back to the thumb switch style though (not latching) but still might be better for some. After a couple uses though the cera bottom switch isnt so annoying
Thanks for the free electronics lesson OFThanks for clearing it up, good to be on the same page. I'm not sure what to say about Persei, 'cept that's not quite what I see. I just ran it using the same battery and cart as before (now reading 4.17) it drops to 3.23 under load, more or less on par with Cera I think.
As to the part you can't believe, I did say it was a quibble (and it was addressed to another fellow) but since you bring it up.....
Yes, it's definitely not a DC thing. I taught this good stuff for too many years to let this pass.
"Electrical impedance is the measure of the opposition that a circuit presents to a current when a voltage is applied. In quantitative terms, it is the complex ratio of the voltage to the current in an alternating current (AC) circuit. Impedance extends the concept of resistance to AC circuits, and possesses both magnitude and phase, unlike resistance, which has only magnitude. When a circuit is driven with direct current (DC), there is no distinction between impedance and resistance; the latter can be thought of as impedance with zero phase angle."
It even gets covered in the second semester, after "DC Theory". It's part of "AC Theory". Pure resistance is the special case where all the factors line up and we have zero phase angle. As said above it 'extends the concept of resistance', the basic concept is all that's needed and all we're equipped to measure really.
You can characterize it as splitting hairs if you wish, but I'll label it a quibble and insist it does make a difference and think I can show that.
Sorry you don't feel we're making progress, I think we are. I think we just decided 3 Volts is a more realistic voltage for a Cera cart as used, and that 20% change explains the 20% difference between 5 and 4 Amps. At least to me.
And Ohms law is still working. Along with Kirchhoff (Second Law) in fact..... And the universe continues running in greased grooves.
Naw, as I said it's a quibble. Yes, it's resistance, not impedance that creates the heat (that's why the phase angle is so important in AC circuits, sometimes the impedances are huge but cancel each other out. The power formula, for instance, is no longer just Amps times Volts but now includes a 'time the cosine of Theda (the phase angle). Since this is zero at 90 degrees (lead or lag, doesn't matter) this means the power is zero (the cosine of 90 degrees). The currents and voltages can be huge but at that point there's no power involved.
For sure no need to apologize for anything I can see. By all means question?
Back on track, yes a few percent of the total power happens in the battery, it can be improved by lower current or improved battery, but most of the heat is probably conducted down. Lots of it comes through the top connection on the battery. When my Beta unit had the sliding switch I convinced myself it ran cooler in the battery....not scientific, but that's my impression. The tube itself conducts eventually well as well. I'm sure something better can be designed. The Delrin cover from T1 was an improvement in this direction I think and the power levels in T1 are about twice those in Cera. A big help, I think, would be to break that heat link, I believe being addressed in the new design. I've certainly heard a bunch of encouraging ideas being tossed around in the are.
If you feel up to playing around, I'm finding help with a few inches of this velcro stuff:
Does a great job. I put a piece of it 'around the skinny part' and then slide it up or down (depending) to tighten it up on the tube. Up for PA use, down for PB switch use. 'Fuzzy side out' it gives a nice, cool place to hang onto that's really easy to remove.
Thanks for the free electronics lesson OF,
I really like your velcro idea as well- though I might see if I can find some wider stuff for not too much more.
I really need to get my crap together and build a power adapter, amongst many other things.
You're welcome, Bro. Glad you're interested.
Thanks. The idea came as a result of a different experiment (I was using it to hold a PB switch for the PA I was making). Serendipity as they say. I noticed in extensive testing my fingers weren't melting yet. It turns out the PA scheme (not using the strap) was probably lowering the heat a bit, but the bare ceramic was quite uncomfortable when I touched it above the band.
A wider piece (or maybe just 2 or even 3 wraps one above the other) would no doubt improve on the idea. I was once told fabric stores (where domestic types go for 'notions') carry it by the foot. The two sided 'cargo strap' I used was very convenient, but I bet back to back strips of the regular style would work fine. The neat part is putting it on the skinny part then going up the taper to hold it in place. Like I said, I use 'the pencil pinch' technique with the PB and find sliding it down instead of up to work well.
I've made a series of PAs for Cera, 3 posted here I think, feel free to PM me when you get the urge to strike out, no sense plowing the same field again. While perhaps not my favorite (I'm strangely attache to the 'Fred Flintstone' one), this is the latest:
You can see the velcro strap with the PB switch. You put 6 to 12 VDC (yes, that means it plugs into the car....) in the cable and push the little switch. Here's what's under the hood:
There's a switching power supply in the tube to do the conversion. The spring on the outside contacts the screw plate (again, the Flintstone one did the same) eliminating the switch and strap in the Cera. The cart center pin is contacted by a spring loaded screw inside the Teflon spring guide inside the big spring. That's the standard end cap holding the lot in (you need to unscrew the Cera switch from it then thread it on. The washer gets pinched into the recess in the ring. The prototype is a bit too long, you'll notice a slight gap where the cap isn't all the way down against the ring? I had it all potted before I realized I'd goofed up there......next time.....
Anyway, PM me when you want to play.
No answer is an answer... That in itself is my answer, I consider that a passive aggressive answer, avoidance and diversions.
My equipment is with in spec and I am operating with spec. End of subject. Agree or disagree. My Cera drives my Cart exactly like I do with the lab supply. If that isn't so then my Cera is defective, but clearly it isn't.
I don't know if TET is open today but My Cera should be on its way today or tomorrow!
Any tips for soldering the nut to the brass portion? I've tried knocking the chrome off the nuts and silver solder with no luck. Perhaps its my skill level :/
so I decided I needed to build a new steampunk body for my cera cart, because the cera body is just unreliable. so here she is with homemade switch that can latch if needed.![]()
there is an insulator under the bottom cap to keep it seperated from the body so the switch works.
and here is a side by side comparison
Probably the switch.Very cool... Now a possibly stupid question: where are the air inlet holes (for air going into the core)?
And what do you find unreliable about the Cera body? (mostly curious cause my switch is not working ATM).
The body is pretty fragile for portable use.Very cool... Now a possibly stupid question: where are the air inlet holes (for air going into the core)?
And what do you find unreliable about the Cera body? (mostly curious cause my switch is not working ATM).