Lets keep talk of other companies vapes in their threads.
Nothing really compares to our EO core, imagine the taste of a DART but the density of a Dab.

For all you dabers getting a Cera, your lungs will thank you!
I officially retract the above statement as Tim's boss.
Talk about whatever you want. This is your forum. What I have discussed with Tim is the WE (Thermo-Essence Tech) WILL NOT talk about other companies vaporizers unless it is positive. Compare what you want, contrast what you want, we feel this is productive, valuable, and likely information other people are interested in.
Example, I think it is okay to to say that there are other great American companies building vaporizers that work really well, and that people love, such as the MFLB, or VRip Tech vapor tools. These companies offer great, innovative, quality, American made products. We feel like if you are not finding the vaporizer solution you need from us, those companies would be another great place to look.
What we will not say is... The Cera vs. _____ is no comparison. The Cera is obviously way better then the ______. It is not our place to objectively compare our vaporizer to other people vaporizers. We are not objective, nor do we spend that much time using other vaporizers.
Please, post what you like, share what you like, compare what you like, we will participate in a way that is meant at communicating what it is we do. It is our goal to use the privilege of participating on this forum to inform people about our products and the value proposition we offer.
We do not need to be everyone's favorite vaporizer, we do not need to be the top seliing or hottest vaporizer. We just want people to know what we do, how we do it, and why. Our hope is that we can provide clear demonstrations of the performance characteristics of th Cera, so that people can make as informaed a decision as possible when purchasing a vaporizer.
We will keep shooting videos demonstarting the Cera in every possible application we can imagine, so that ,we hope, people will be able to know exactly what to expect in terms of performance. The Cera will do what we say it will. We will not tell you it is something it is not. We will show you exactly what it is capable of, based on your requests, so that if you purchase a Cera from us we can be confident it will meet and we hope exceed) what your expectations were.
We truly beleive that if we just follow that simple model of clearly demonstrating the perfromance of the Cera, and then making damn sure that every Cera that we deliver will provide at least that same performance we demonstrated, that we will be sucesfull in metting your expectatioons of what you feel, and think, your portable vaporizer should do for you.
On another note. I can proabbly do a simple demo video tonight. Quick and dirty.
Highest priority for you guys?
- Cera VG (E-cig), basics, BOC?
- LL with other concentrates, through glass etc.
I can probably get one of these up tonight but not both. I'll leave it up to you folks. I'll start working on it in 1 hour.
As always, thank you for your feedback, insight, compliments, criticisms, and ideas. We do listen. The Cera is proof of that. The forum community is a tremendous force of innovation, we feel very fortunate to be a part of it and contribute where we can.
PS: We are behind schedule on the videos. We were not really set up for this type of video editing (think bootstrap company that buys its computers used from Craigslist, borrowing families cameras, main camera is an unreliable web cam). So we have lost a lot of footage, had a lot of crashing computers, wasted a lot of time.
We had to solve some hardware and software issue to get more efficient at doing this. We just got a 2007 mac pro that was all built out just for video editing. This should speed things up. Go craigslist, $600. Plus we got a $180 video camera that is more reliable. So things should pick up in terms of our video throughput.
We are going to host the full length versions of some of our films on our website via Vimeo. It will take us a few day to get this built and uploaded. In all our performance videos I take the time in between inhalations to discuss our products and answer questions. However the video would be too long to include that in the youtube version.