Also, question regarding the old line: was it just not profitable/possible/ideal for you guys to keep it going for a bit longer? I know/think the Cera line is a major improvement, but do you guys consider the first line (T1/Rev/etc) obsolete? I think the technology is still good, even with the Cera coming out. Might have an itching for a T1 that I've been trying not to scratch lately. I already have another vape for flower (MFLB) but it kinda broke and I haven't gotten around to using flower much since I got the DART (

). I dunno, I just feel like adding a T1 to the bench for one of those "shit hits the fan" type of rare occurrences, maybe as a Christmas present for myself (they do wonders for the soul...) The feel and use I'm getting out of my Ultra is way way more than I expected, and I had high hopes. It just feels nice to use it, to hold it, take it apart and put it back together.
Another question, this time more relevant to the thread. At what point did you guys decide to make it all out of ceramic? Was it just like "hey, what if... what if instead of the core being ceramic...
the whole thing!!" or was it a more logical move? If it was for medical reasons, why? We can sterilize the old lineup with hot water, you guys touted that, and it was definitely a plus for me. Is the ceramic you use just a much better improvement in that area as well?
Finally, how many "failed experiments/ideas" did you guys have between the old lineup and the Cera? Are you guys just continually on the drawing board until you get something you think will work really really well, or do you have a small collection of "progressions" from one to the other? IIRC, Magic Flight had some really interesting concept builds between the Launch Tube and the Launch Box, and even at one point mentioned that they were toying around with making some water pipes
for their vape. Sorry if this one comes off as odd, I had my "oh, for the love of god" moment a few minutes ago at 23 hits. Maybe PM me if you don't want to address it publicly but want to tell me anyways?