1. 25% reduction in caloric intake based on your calculated metabolic needs (2200 Kcal for an average adult male, 1800-1900 kcal for an average adult female). Forever. Eat the same stuff, the same way, just 25% less and the data supports a pretty substantial increase in life expectancy/slower onset of symptomatic aging. This is not a diet, it is resetting the bodies metabolic processes... I could go on but... I hate typing.
Although caloric restriction showed early promise, subsequent studies have not confirmed the results, as the following article from the NY Times illustrates:
Severe Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys
Perhaps you can start eating Noah.

It does seem a bit odd, does it not, to advocate caloric restriction to an audience of prospective Cera users, including one imagines at least a few med and rec users?
