Congrats Darb, merry early christmas. First reported confirmed order (I think). Let us all know how she dances. Pics pics and more pics. Let the "is it there yet?" begin.....Thank you. Order placed for stainless Cera leaf vape, essential oil cart and two batteries!!
Thank you. Order placed for stainless Cera leaf vape, essential oil cart and two batteries!!
There has been a steady stream of orders all day, definitely going quick!Congrats Darb, merry early christmas. First reported confirmed order (I think). Let us all know how she dances. Pics pics and more pics. Let the "is it there yet?" begin.....
Did you spring for the illuminated switch?![]()
Oops. What would be the best way to add it to my already placed order?
just gonna bump this as it looks like it got skipped, tiaanyway we can order the titanium oil set and add the stainless leaf bowl? i'd probably be inclined to go that route, but don't know how to order it.
EDiT - and maybe i didn't catch it, but is there a heat/battery time difference in the two metals?
thanks again for answering all our questions!
Give us an e-mail and we can process it by hand. sales@thermovape.comjust gonna bump this as it looks like it got skipped, tia
sweet. thanks for that!Give us an e-mail and we can process it by hand.
Im going to try to get it setup so you can do it all from the site, just workin out a few things.
Which is great, but I know what is going to happen I won't know if I can make the sale until tomorrow which means I cant sign up for my Cera until after work which means I am going to be going crazy all day wondering when the limit is gonna be hit and TET take the pre-sale down...
Please please please tell me I still have time I can't stand the thought of missing out, she is just so beautiful.
Upon further consideration I decided I enjoy trying new vapes, order placed. I went with the non Ti model because in all seriousness when gently vaping oil off a ceramic element how much difference in flavor is the container going to make whether its stainless or titanium..I think none. I think the fact that the only differences TV could point out were that it was more corrosion resistant pretty much means that it does nothing to benefit the vapor. Also titanium scratches easier, which is why I don't understand the point of the titanium bottom button, for a 100% premium over the not as easy to scratch stainless steel version. From where I'm sitting it appears the titanium edition is for people who have an extra $250 to burn and don't need any appreciable difference in performance. true or false?
...Also titanium scratches easier, which is why I don't understand the point of the titanium bottom button...
Theres no real need to have a second mouthpiece, although a whip down switching back and forth might be nice.Should I order another mouthpiece if I intend to swap an essential oil & liquid core back and forth? It seems as though that would be sensible considering I am currently accustomed to each specific core having their own tips on the T1 line, and the new robust size and double o-rings would make it a hassle to exchange the mouthpiece and sleeve back and forth every time I change cores. I am also seeking to avoid an open-ended semi-loaded core with either material, in a storage case or in my pocket, so that's another requirement that an extra tip could address.
I would love to see more of the construction of both those cores, I suppose that could help my understanding. Although it seems as though there is an outer sleeve or jacket component that retains the mouthpiece when fitted over the core, which is then threaded into the body, and my plan for having two tips/covered cores would require a duplicate of this sleeve piece as well for a fully protected "loose" assembly that could be pocketed or put in a plastic tube of sorts? As listed the cores are illustrated by the rendering so I'm assuming that's the only thing included.
That's my only point of curiosity remaining before I pull the trigger, as I would expect it to be able to perform in place of my T1 line without much modification to protocol. As it stands I am able to "hot-swap" the full core+tip assemblies by removing them from their storage tubes and threading them in/out of the T1 body adapter, and I am looking to emulate that functionality here as well.
I am also hesitant to "miss out" by waiting, but I am hoping that by not announcing a min or max run they can be flexible either way, as I'm sure there is no shortage of interested partiesI would order immediately, but I would also prefer to have the potential accessories all in one shipment and/or avoid modification to the order for simplicities sake.
Upon further consideration I decided I enjoy trying new vapes, order placed. I went with the non Ti model because in all seriousness when gently vaping oil off a ceramic element how much difference in flavor is the container going to make whether its stainless or titanium..I think none. I think the fact that the only differences TV could point out were that it was more corrosion resistant pretty much means that it does nothing to benefit the vapor. Also titanium scratches easier, which is why I don't understand the point of the titanium bottom button, for a 100% premium over the not as easy to scratch stainless steel version. From where I'm sitting it appears the titanium edition is for people who have an extra $250 to burn and don't need any appreciable difference in performance. true or false?
Well titanium is certainly out of my budget. And IDK if this 18650 I have is even the right kind or not :/
Tim what about the question about the smooth flow mouthpiece? For me that moisture added quite a bit of value to the T1. Not sure I'm ready to abandon that 100% yet.
I want it, but I don't know what to do yet. Here I was ready to pre-order, but now I've got this horrible feeling telling me to wait (easier said than done) and see what changes need to be made. I REALLY don't like using the T1 without the smooth flow if it can be avoided. From the design I don't think this is even an option anymore.
To be 100% honest I think it comes down to titanium being sexier and flashier. yes its lighter, but does that matter? To me it certainly doesn't matter 2x the price :/ I have 2 space case titanium grinders and love those, and was all set to spend a LITTLE extra for a cooler titanium option, but my budget outweighs my vanity when it comes to a $200+ difference.
EDIT: Just re-read this and it makes it sound like I'm saying NOT to get titanium. Not at all the case. If I viewed a $500 purchase and thought "no big deal" then I'd get it. I'm not in that kind of financial situation though.
Actually not. Titanium is MUCH MUCH more scratch resistant than stainless steel. (And lighter, essentially corrosion proof, and less shiny).