Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie


Well-Known Member
@phattpiggie will there be an option in future to only buy for example the TA4 head or another…
All TAs should fit on the TA bowls am I right so you only need the head if you already own a TA? Would be great!

BTW I recommend not to put too much herb in the bowl… I use mine on full bowl (with the spring) and gently fill it without tamping… so I get best results and biggest clouds..


Pranayama; of a sort.
BTW I recommend not to put too much herb in the bowl… I use mine on full bowl (with the spring) and gently fill it without tamping… so I get best results and biggest clouds..
Its interesting, different techniques for different results. I haven't changed the bowl from the size it came in & I tamp it down pretty firmly, especially when I have a piece of BHO or something in the sandwich. I have the airflow almost closed and draw slowly and I get dense dense clouds. I'm happy with the clouds and roast I get. If I had the airflow open completely I would do the same as you and leave it without tamping to much to allow the air to flow around it, where I want to drag out the length of my session and get a really heavy conductive roast to finish the bowl.


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Accessory Maker
I grabbed a nice stem for the TA3 that cools the vapor well and doesn't get too hot with repeated use (i added a stinger). It's made by RugiWerks (ig), who also make the cooling stands (the anvil thermocore stand fits the TA3) :
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Well-Known Member
Does the TA4 work good with the Wand and will there ever be some kind of temp indicator? 🤔


Pranayama; of a sort.
Does the TA4 work good with the Wand and will there ever be some kind of temp indicator? 🤔
don't all TA's work in the wand?

and the Temp indicator for the TA4 - if enough people want it, then it will probably happen.

I don't really feel like a temp indicator would add any benefit to my TA3 but I'll re-evaluate that when I try the TA4...

& @coolbreeze I too would like to know the torch in the photo :)
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Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
So the TA3 arrived. Already swapped in Zirconia balls (came with 78 boro).
Going to be using on a Revolve G2 Stem w glass sleeve with Wand as the heater (using Tempest's Wand Adapter).
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Singularity Walker

Well-Known Member
How does zirconia compare to ruby, boro, CZ?
TBH, I do not know. I switched to the zirc simply because that is what I had in the Tempest from the start (2.5mm originally, then 3mm). Thus able to give myself a more direct compare and starting point by getting the TA3 on the same material.
I do plan to compare at some point but first I want to get acquainted with the device on familiar terms.
So far been quite fun going back and forth between the TA3 & Tempest.


Pranayama; of a sort.
How does zirconia compare to ruby, boro, CZ?
* This is just based on me playing around with different materials in the Tempest & the feedback I have received talking to makers about the choices for materials. As the Tempest is very similar I am assuming these things would be true in the TA's but I haven't tried it yet but will be over the next week.

** Also, when I talk about my wand settings below, please note my wand is faulty and displays temps off by -50c (that is when I use my wand at 265f its the same as when other testers use there wands at 315f)


The rubies seem to take the longest to heat up and stabilize at the desired temperature; but they stay at the temperature for the longest of the three when the heat is removed. When I had rubies in my Tempest and heated the Tempest at the bottom of the oven with a torch, the rubies took the longest to get the oven to the temperature required to get the click discs to fire/click. When you use rubies, there is a reduction of flavour as compared to when you use borosilicate glass beads. Its not as significant as using Sic beads; but when you use them all side by side you notice the differences.


Zrc is somewhere between rubies and boro when it comes to heating in that the Zrc takes more calories to heat up than boro but noticeably less than the rubies. When testing in the Tempest and using the wand as a way to heat in a repeatable way, rubies took the longest to heat in the wand, I have forgotten the temperature I set the wand too when running cycles to heat the Tempest but it was the highest at over 310c. The Zrc took the next longest in the wand requiring a heating cycle at 265c to get 2 clicks. Borosilicate beads were the quickest to heat up in the wand taking a cycle of only 210c to get 2 clicks. The heat retention of Zrc is again between the two (rubies and boro), again using the Tempest to compare the heat retention, the boro was the worst with the shortest period of time with the oven within the optimal temperature range. The Zrc's heat retention was noticeably longer than the boro with about 30-40% longer heat retention (using the device in the same way). (I didn't record the ruby timings). Zrc takes time to stabilize temperature accross the oven, similarly to the rubies, if you heat the bottom of the oven of the Tempest, the oven continues to "heat up" after you remove the heat and the click discs can fire 2-3 seconds after you remove the heat. When using Zrc compared to Rubies there is less of an impact on flavour, but similarly there is more flavour when using boro as compared to using Zrc. Zrc in the Tempest seems to offer the best balance of heat retention, flavour and heating efficiency.


Takes the least amount of calories to bring the beads to the required temperature to produce vapour. Boro has the quickest stabilization of the 3 materials in that heating the bottom of the Tempest oven and them removing the heat, unlike the other 2, you need to keep the heat on the oven all the way to the temperature you want it to be at, before removing the heat. Both the other two, you are trying to removing the heat early to allow for the stabilization to occur and avoid overheating. Boro is the most efficient, taking the least amount of calories (as discussed above it took 20% less time in the wand to bring the boro to the desired temperature and get the Tempest to click twice). Also boro seems to have no impact on flavour being the preferred choice for flavour based builds.

So can we contact him directly to purchase?
I reached out to PP via Instagram and organized it with him directly. I believe he is starting to roll them out slowly as the structural changes (below - first looks) mean you use it differently.

Obvious differences, the walls are thicker to handle the screw, its slightly wider than the TA3 in the body of the device, the cap is heavy and thick, the balls are lower away from the top.

** Off topic - Royal Mail from UK to AU took only 4 business days … wtf ...
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Well-Known Member
TA4 looks to need possibly a leather wrap to remove the heater section? From my experience with the TA3, the screw can easily back out if you position a magnet incorrectly. This looks to be amplified with the TA4 having the full top as removable.
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Well-Known Member
TA4 looks to need possibly a leather wrap to remove the heater section? From my experience with the TA3, the screw can easily back out if you position a magnet incorrectly. This looks to be amplified with the TA4 having the full top as removable.
I was talking to piggie about the TA4 after the last TA drop and he told me that the ball retaining screen has a left-hand thread so when you're taking the heater off the bowl you should be tightening the ball retaining screen on to the heater.
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