Not sure what Alan gonna tell ya Orestes but buying lumber/blocks and all that can be tough. I like to get my wood as dry as possible, wanna be around 5-8% moisture content, most boards you find are kiln dried and will be stated, I dont think anyone kiln dries burls caps and chunks, they usually air dry those and even after long periods of time can still have significant moisture within them. I wont work anything that is wet or even 25% MC, there is just to much of a possibility of cracking or checking. I did a few months back spend a couple hundred on some big camphor burl chunks and they came with better than 20% mc, sucks too cause they are beauties just gonna be a while before I can work em. Unless they say they are dry I wouldnt buy! I do think the TT would look badass in B&W Ebony, OOOO Bocote would be the shit as well as the Kingwood! Do some looking around guys there are some great stuff out there, check out gilmerwood they have a $100 minimum but have a hella selection and they are really great folks too, give em a call and they will tell ya whats what.