I was about to go off on you for being salty, but this was a good point that changed my mind:
I would be salty as well. But... look at it this way. And I'm not trying to insult Dan, though this may come across that way...
I've worked in many fields with creative people. One thing that is the same across all those fields, is that the creative people are always late. I used to get so frustrated with it, it would hold up projects, and if I'm project managing something it's even more annoying. But at some point I realized, in my anecdotal experience, the best creatives do things in their own time. I learned that if I rush them, the work quality just goes down. You see, I learned art can't be rushed.
The Toad, Nomad, and the sleeves are all art. We can't rush them. I understand feeling salty about waiting, your feelings are valid. I just hope that future people going into this will read experiences like yours and understand that as with any great art, it can't be rushed.
Edit to add: working on 1 project can drive someone crazy. Him also working on Toad's sounds like it might help keep Dan in the artisan vape game longer. That's just how I look at it at least. People have to be happy. Let him work on what he wants to work on. The good thing about Toad's is more people get their hands on his pieces faster.