The Toad from Morwood

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yes. Not sure if Dan wants the link posted. So will wait for his announcement. They all look great. One has a mammoth ivory button. I made my pick!
I picked mine out so damn fast. Helps that it doesn’t really matter which one I get because they’re all just gorgeous in their own ways.

Nice, I'm trying to be quick to decide myself for a change, feel free to hit me up with your picks if you want to help me finalize lol

Yeah Dan is dealing with snow storms up there but has found time to complete them, shipping has been delayed, and sending the photos was delayed from a power outage, so it's possible we can share them here and he has not had the time, but none of us would want to presume of course!!

I will tell you all there are a lot of earth tones in this batch... All are gorgeous!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Is there anyone from the first batch willing to share a long term review on the Toad, or tips/tricks for people in batch 2/us that are still waiting for our name to be called (I’m part of this group)?

FYI most people in the first batch actually have still not gotten theirs yet btw, that's what I meant when I said shipping delays...

Dan Morrison

Well-Known Member
The rest of batch 1 was supposed to go out last week, but power outages delayed that. This week was a bit of a crapshoot, so the rest are scheduled to go out just after Christmas, along with more Nomad IIs.

This 2nd batch was mostly made at the same time that I made batch 1, just been slowly finishing them up as I have time. A batch of 10 this round.

@games-loaves0t - On page 18 there are some user reviews if you missed em! Any questions just ask.

Here are the Toads in this batch!

You can reference the imgur album if you want to see the unit numbers (quality may be bad on mobile):

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