Well I tried 570f till timeout and liked the results, with very small waste it seemed. Could try higher temps, just don't wanna combust, so said I'll ask

Do believe it will be better low and slow than 740f or higher till blinking stops on Wand?
Might as well just test
edit: think I should try SiC balls...
I'm running two 'pests, one with sic and one with the original Zirc. I set my Wand @ 590℉ and run both 'pests to complete timeout.
I'm extremely insensitive to taste and odour not to mention other, um, oddities in internal perceptions, so what works for me may not for others (or visa versa) in terms of the experience, but basically (as I interpret it) the SiC stores more calories but both pests are running the line on combusting, and take careful breath control to avoid fully combusting (It may be better @ ~580℉?) . I usually fill the bowl full and pack fairly lightly to get good airflow, which also runs higher temperatures (so breath control more important).
But although these settings are running just a little high for ground dry flower, it's much nearer the correct mark when I use vape-cotton (the wicking rayon) with some concentrate, and usually clears most of the bowl although a reheat is often best to 'wring it's neck' so to speak!
I prefer to run lower and slower, so to speak. If it heats up too fast, then even after the timeout (or up to the end of flashing period) that heat is still shifting around to reach an equilibrium of sorts, which may suit some people, but makes a repeatable experience harder to achieve if it's changing as you use it (above and beyond the changes from drawing the heat out of it when drawing on it).
Never tried hemp as a base other than putting concentrate on a bed of ground flower, which in the end I found less satisfactory than either on it's own. I'd guess it's more sensitive to combustion than vape-cotton, but probably the density may well effect that as with dry flower - the higher the airflow, the hotter it can get if drawing too fast or for too long.