First heartache tonight with the tempest
I want to start by saying I love this device but is this normal?
I keep my device clean, change mesh everyday, give ultra socic bath every 3 days without the head of course, I've never gotten around to cleaning the head the way I'd like because frankly I've been afraid to take it apart

with the vi in all.
Anyway, I was sitting down watching a movie enjoying my tempest like I do every night, took my tempest and debowler up, unscrewed the lid and all the balls with my AVB came flying out the bottom and onto my lap.
This was not an enjoyable experience to say the least but let's just say thankfully the kids were in bed so that danger was avoided.
I've no idea how many balls I'm supposed to have if someone could let me know.
But this can't be normal is this happening anyone else, I bought this for safety as I didn't want a ball vape downstairs with the toddler but I've never had anything as scary happen to me with any device as what happened tonight.
Have I done something wrong
@Brenyo ? Am I supposed to be taking the head apart and reassembling often?
How can this be avoided from happening again
The aftermath