Pranayama; of a sort.
have you seen my posts ?Sorry for the essay of a response haha.
@Brenyo I'm a little slow, I only just saw the bright green Visual Indicator dial in the Tempest manual videos...
Now I desperately want a coloured one as it stands out so well against the titanium of the cap... the green works really.... really well surprisingly. Its stands out so well its tempting to get one just because of how bright it is.... but I thinks a purple or black indicator would be amazing... are they planned for the release?
I may have just missed you announcing it but I noticed them in the pictures (mock ups, gallery, videos) on the website - which I hadn't noticed before - so I am assuming it is?
I am going to have to get a black setup as that cap/indicator combo is awesome and would really show off the rosewood sleeve.
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