So you mean a full Tempest against a Revolve stem with a DV-tip/cap mounted on it (not sure what you mean with the "stem config" as there is just the Revolve stem and the DV tip/cap, nothing more)
I hate to say so but this comparison cannot be done!

There is just no contest... It's unfair towards DV...
In all seriousness: it's a completely different vape.
The Revolve stem shows a lot of simularities with the Tempest stem hence the confusion sometimes: the inside cooling spiral and the mouthpiece are practically the same...
But the real difference is in the top section. The DV tip/cap is totally different compared to the Tempest head.
The Tempest has balls in the (fixed) head of the tip that store heat and deliver enough energy during a long enough period to easily finish a bowl without having to reheat it. Let's say you get a good minute of "puffing time" when you are leasurely taking hits from a hot device.
Where the DV tip will just give you one or two/three draws per heating cycle.
Also: since it's the ball head that heats up the Tempest offers more of a convection style (with some conduction happening along the way) as opposed to the DV tip that works on conduction by heating up the bowl/herb while torching.
Hope that clarifies/answers your questions somehow?
Edit to add: The Tempest also offers two indicators to show it's hot: a click disc and a Visual Indicator!