I would agree with you but im using the half bowl and the most i can get is one small ploom and decent ploom and everything is beat in the bowl or its just hot af and just combusts. Ill even have phantom bowls where no vapor and the bowls are spent. Not a good experience at all haha. Same weed in the anvil just plooms of vapor
This does sound odd. I'm not the most graceful and coordinated person (clumsy and ham fisted A.F.), and combusting is just the sort of thing I'm apt to do, because it just didn't seem
quite ready (or whatever). So personally I was rather surprised, even using a cheapy pocket torch, that very first hit was amazing (beginner's luck I'm sure). And subsequently the only time I've part combusted (and I'm looking for the higher roasts so to speak, so close to the line) is when I've tried a reheat from hot to make sure it's been finished.
Have you tried any experimentation? i.e. try gradually heating, watching the indicator, and every so often try a pull to see how much vapour comes (if any). Not to get a good hit, but just to see how it behaves as you get hotter, maybe start trying pulls when the indicator meets the first marker? Then heat up half way to next marker, and try again, and repeat, a little bit more each time, to see how it progresses. As you find where the vaping starts, remember that point, clean and reload and start again (from a fairly cool temp again) but this time heat straight to that mark, then repeat the last process (moving up a bit at a time) but now you getting closer to the ideal mark. (you need a refil as those test pulls will be leaving less cannabinoids in the bowl so runs low and vapour reduces for that reason too!).
Other considerations: your weed! Does it have good humidity, or is it particularly dry? To some degree also, some strains give a lot more vapour than others. The vids can also be very misleading in that some show more vapour than you may expect to see, simply due to lighting and ambient temperature (for an exaggeration of this, check MH's vid testing the 'pest outdoors in winter with a Wand. The cold air makes the vapour look a lot thicker than in a warm room. Better to try and go by the effects. Look at what you've put in the bowl, measure out the same as you'd use in another vape, then just go by the high more than what the vapour looks like?
I'm pretty new to the 'pest, and to using these types of vape (the more analogue variety) and not the best at getting the feel, so I was quite taken aback at how forgiving the pest can be. That said, these are beta devices, and bought on that understanding, so although pretty close to final product, you need to be more forgiving that a fully released product. You also need to appreciate the normal manual and suchlike are not there in the same obvious fashion, info has to be gathered, no total hand-holding (although breyo is pretty damn good at responding and helping).
But to some degree you're using an experimental device and need to b forgiving to it. But it truly is a well designed and constructed bit of kit, and some people are always going to have some problems at first, if only due to what they are previous used to.
I would urge you to persist, maybe leave it for a bit if frustrating, and just read more and chat etc, and go back to it now and again?
Otherwise, I'll have it!