First thing is to remember why you are medicating for.
Oh god, the list is almost endless with me... I have everything from A-Z...
Just for the record, I've been pretty sober the past two months, I haven't really had time to indulge in cannabis use.
Let me just say, I am not a normal human being. I have SEVERE ocd, so my day is planned around a FULL 6 Hours of rituals,
Vaping is a reward/medicine for my ocd, if I vape the day before as a hang out with friends/relax type of thing, my ocd gets more relaxed as well the day afterwards, I cannot get high and so my compulsions.
My workouts are not as extreme as they used to be (I used to run around 18 miles a week, now it's around 2-3 as my metabolism is ridiculous) and I eat a LOT more healthy than what I used to. I still indulge in bad foods from time to time , but I feel that with the weight lifting/running I do throughout the week, my body is ok with it
Younger users are CLUELESS about cannabis, and I can tell you personally since I am only a couple years fresh out of highschool, that people in their younger years know nothing about weed other than "buy a shit ton, smoke a lot, get fucked up, repeat".
I am one of the the only one's out of around 6000 people in my graduated class that can accurately tell you information you will need in calming your medical problems.
with my mental state/disabilities I can totally say that your body will adapt to different techniques of smoking. my body is extra sensitive to things and I know for a fact that I "learn" these techniques very quickly which is why I have invested in so many different apparatuses for getting medicated.
Very true about when how and where you are getting high.. My sessions can last 5 minutes, or the whole day (mind my 6 hours of ocd though) and yes.. I can just do a quick sesh with just a couple hits when I need relief, and I'm fine. Getting "blown" high is usually not on my agenda. I actually HAVE to plan when I get high based on my ocd, so I really use cannabis on a time schedule like you said.
If this is an extreme ramble, I apologize. I am just trying to return the same amount of information as you gave me, which I might add, is the absolute longest, most informative, and caring wall of text anyone has written for me on a forum. I cannot thank you enough my man. I was cheesing really hard after I read your reply. Once again thank you