I've been vaping for awhile now, but the sublimator is the one that brought me to this fine message board. I've loved vaping since the first time I inhaled the wonderful essense of vaped bud, used a vaporbrothers for years now- but the sublimator has brought blazing to a new level for me.
The only trouble I'm finding now is that I definitely need some new sort of glass that will stabilize the sublimator itself. The beaker bong I use works, but I'm always worried about it falling over since the sub sits on an angle, and it has a lot of extra drag that I don't particularly care for (especially because I don't use water in it).
So my question to you guys is what is a dope set-up should I get? I went to 2 pretty decent headshops in my town tonight and all of the stemless pieces I saw/tried were too short for the whole sublimator bowl to sit in without getting the stem of it wet.
I think what I really need is an oil catcher that I can attach to a stemless bong/bubbler/recycler to get rid of that problem all together, but all the ones I found in the shops only had male attachments for domes.
Can you guys help me find something in the $200-$350 price range that will be stable, possibly have nice percolation, and/or an oil catcher? I figured this would be the best place to ask.
Thanks all. Keep on subbin'