Reclaimers eh... Nice recycle world of the future, double my bucks bang? Too good to resist.. Here is my review of it... I have a step down ( earthed and isolated) as I could not wait for pv to get the 240 volt version out, no stock. They had the 110 ver so I went that way, now I have a good step down too... Back to review:
1. Grinding please be patient...
See the setup whist I grind
2. Preheat half hour before grind ok..
3. Load it and rip it...
And now the write up.
It is a wonderful creation, simple. That is it. They KISSED it. Hot box on top, cold air pulled in, rate controlled by holes, it vortexes the herb, vapes, it re heats the vape, atomises it... Delivers it nice and sweet. Period. One big rip, boom your done, load is cooked. One pass and you're duff..
Be very careful it's hot.. No touchie ok.. Else sizzle! Keep it in a non combustible zone. No fuel for a fire round it or a mishap send your house up. That's all, best to make a station and get a habit or technique of use that you can depend on blind.. He he he.. Stone blind ok.
The effects are out of this world, turns ordinary into sublime..nice indeed. I just had a great old laugh kick it was reminiscent of past days in the haze with my dad and bro, oh the dog ate some, he always would if he chanced on

weird nice dog.. Back to sub.. I'm subbed out, happy as hell. It's the bong of vapes alright, careful as it blows lots of effect out of tiny amounts.. So tiny your head spins...highest yield I've seen, felt and tasted.. Sublime!
So my fellow vapists, you have been given my

and its sub..sublime.. Sublimator. Enjoy it to those who have, save for it those who crave a home unit... Splurge if you have dough to do so.. Y'all it won't disappoint ok. Happy vaping.. Sub who ever you are, when ever you can! Be in peace I get to bed for sub dreaming. Don't forget to unplug! It's better safe.. Happy flights