How would the hit density compare to the Cloud? (Assuming you've tried one)
How was the harshness compared to other vapes? It seems smooth in the videos.
I've never used a Cloud. The vapour wasn't harsh at all.
How would the hit density compare to the Cloud? (Assuming you've tried one)
How was the harshness compared to other vapes? It seems smooth in the videos.
A sublimator/e-nailator package would be awesome!!Enrico just responded to my e-mail request for a Sublimator/E-Nailator package deal stating, "I believe it is a great idea," so perhaps we'll see that soon. Now the question is will he eventually be selling the E-nail on its own without the atomizer for those of us who made our purchases prior to the deal being offered? I guess time will tell. But it sounds to me like he's willing to listen to customer input and suggestions regarding this kind of thing which is phenomenal.
A LOT smoother.. super smooth.. smooth enough to rip dry no prob.. it definitely seemed to break the vapor up. felt more deeply medicated in the body than usual.. seemed to last a noticeable amount longer.. the high felt clean IMO. it was hard to judge the flavor, because the herb i was using wasn't that impressive in that area.. it was actually smoother w/ the restriction and no water, than the same vape through water w/o restriction. its worth trying out for yourself, if you can rigg something up. i'd be interested to hear how others feel about it, based on such a simple experiment. still, i wanna rip the hell outta that sublimator though.
The Apollo IS the main unit, the heat source and atomizer. The Apollo is used on both the Adapt-A-Bong and Sublimator kit and is responsible for creating and collecting the nectar. Over time the nectar will be more than the atomizer tube can hold and start to drip out the end at which time you can harvest it from inside the atomizer tube or let it keep collecting in to an ashcatcher, reclaimer or the bottom of your water tool.So is it only the Sublimator kit that collects the oil?
Or does the Apollo collect it as well?
Of course we listen to requests, we always love customer feedback and suggestions, especially from FC.I'd assume they will once a price is determined since they already edited the Apollo to allow the buyer to choose 14mm or 18mm probably thanks to our bitching. Our voices are being heard.
I got to dreaming tonight, of actually eating a sub while using my sub.Too. Much. Hash. Tonight.
Anyone else hear Arnold's voice in their head when thinking about the word Subliminator??
I'll be back...
As much as i would never be an early adopter for this one, I can't wait to see real people get testing this out. it's going to get interesting around here in the coming weeks![]()
From what I can tell the E-Nailator you put the concentrate on the top of the "dome" it vaporizes and is passed down through the center of the device. That way you can look down and place your concentrate on the E-Nailator similar to a dome-less nail. That is the main difference I can gather.
The regular unit heats the air up and mixes that hot air with the air from the inlets along the side and then passes over the material in the chamber. I do not think the E-Nailator has those inlets. I think the way it extracts before the Atomizer is slightly different.
The E-Nailator you are putting the concentrate on top of the heat source. The regular unit you are mixing the hot air above the herbal material. I believe that is the main difference.
for those that missed the live show earlier, here is the video:
these guys are also doing dabs with the Apollo as well, I thought in some of those vids. they hold the dab up to one of the inlets on the side.