I just started getting caught up on all the vids last night...

I just started getting caught up on all the vids last night...
I'm there except for the long ones...unfortunately that adds up to about four and a half hours!
This guy is hilarious. I just wanna see more videos with this guy selling the sublimator. If i didnt buy my cloud which broke id probably cop this. It makes me sad to see so many parts laying around and i have a vape with no parts available. At first I though he was full of shit, but now I find myself waiting for a new video to be posted lol
Good job
I had some grandiose dreams myself last night....I was dreaming of ways of supercharging my XP vapor.. an after market type thing that would maybe jump in the path right before a tube or water bong and as dreams often go.... it had a really nifty reclaiming insert that I could pop out and replace {recycle} and since I was dreaming it was made of glass of course.....I got to dreaming tonight, of actually eating a sub while using my sub.Too. Much. Hash. Tonight.
Listen. Understand. That Sublimator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with. It doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are Sublimated.I do.
I think I saw my name on one of those!
That video was posted on May 3rd. So they should be available?
Since it appears that the vids show everyone hitting dry, is there any reason NOT to hydrate through water (whether cold or warm) ?
It will be really interesting to see these rigs hit the market and the individual set ups to 'personalize' their use. I'm curious to see those that can't handle huge lung hits devise a straw set up (as the full kit incorporates) for their own glass rigs, and whether it can be 'sipped' at (the reason why 'I' purchase micro glass with tiny mouthpieces and can only do very tiny dabs or vape very tiny amounts of bud) to avoid choking.
I know you can add water to the full kit. Enrico mentions it in a video someplace...sorry, there are so manyHe also mentions something about losing medicine in the water, etc...so it is probably a preference thing coupled with the marketing that it hits smoothly.
I am really hoping it is that smooth...as much as I enjoy using water, it can be a pain in the butt sometimes IMO.
Thanks for your suggestion green2brown. There is now a Sublimator Apollo Adapt-A-Bong / E-Nailator Combo Kit https://www.planetvape.ca/sublimator-apollo-adapt-a-bong-e-nailator-combo-kit.htmlEnrico just responded to my e-mail request for a Sublimator/E-Nailator package deal stating, "I believe it is a great idea," so perhaps we'll see that soon. Now the question is will he eventually be selling the E-nail on its own without the atomizer for those of us who made our purchases prior to the deal being offered? I guess time will tell. But it sounds to me like he's willing to listen to customer input and suggestions regarding this kind of thing which is phenomenal.
The Apollo Heater pulls 45 Watts Max.**also wondering if we ever got any answers on how much wattage this pulls. I would like to know what my power limitations are if I were to try to take this out and say use it camping off either a battery or generator.