Youtube Vlogger/ Cannabis Activist
What do you think of a transparent stainless steel Sublimator? I'll be asking Enrico if this is possible, would be amazing to see how the smoke works!
What do you think of a transparent stainless steel Sublimator? I'll be asking Enrico if this is possible, would be amazing to see how the smoke works!
Say what?transparent stainless steel
Say what?
First place my mind went was
Me too. Immediately.Say what?
First place my mind went was
news flash sorry yesterday i posted that the only authorized dealer was pv .... well fresh headies have the unit also for sale sorry if i created confusion
What do you think of a transparent stainless steel Sublimator? I'll be asking Enrico if this is possible, would be amazing to see how the smoke works!
Too subbed to post
Was this a serious remark?
"Metals are opaque, because they have metallic bonding which means that all of the atoms are surrounded by free moving electrons. Therefore, any light that passes through a metal will hit one of these electrons which will absorb the light and re-emit it. The light that is re-emitted is known as reflection which is why metals are lustrous."
In layman's terms, 'transparent stainless steel' does not, will not and cannot exist.
Due to the high heat in the bowl, you can't waste time reading the paper between hits IMO. You need to get down to business and not let it sit for too long. Luckily, it extracts so fast that one or two hits is all it takes to completely extract your goodies.I would really love someone to post a video of them taking a nice relaxing, slow session with the sub.
My interest in this thing is crazy atm, but I want to be sure it can be used for more than massive bong rips.
If you wanted to have a relaxed dragged out session with the sub, you would want a large tube with a whip like that offered with the full sub kit.
With this you could fill the tube and than sit back and clear it at your leisure.
yea but wouldn't the vapor get stale and harsh? Not to mention lose flavor?
yea but wouldn't the vapor get stale and harsh? Not to mention lose flavor?
I'd say yes to all of the above - not to mention you'll find that your glass has a much more golden sheen to it after a couple sessions than it otherwise would have.
When I was watching MarijuanaMan's youtube videos in one of them he said the Sublimator smoke never goes stale. Now I'm not 100% sure this is true but Enrico was there on the show so I'd have to say it has to be. Otherwise Enrico would have said something. So I personally believe and from a legitimate source that the smoke from the Sublimator doesn't go stale.
the vapor produced by the sublimator will behave just like other vapor. Put that shit in a tube or bag and it will eventually condense. Once loaded, I hit that sub quick. I have found that if I want to relax with it, I just take more hits with smaller loads over time. The routine is growing on me and I now have it down to a pretty quick session, if need be. If I am going to be subbing, I leave it on all day until I am done.
jambandphan03 how did you like the mobius clear matrix bubbler, im thinking of buying one instead of getting another hydratube. looks like an amazing piece
it does not go stale. ever