The more time I spend with the Sub the more I like it. It hits hard and it hits
fast. Finding the right temperatures seems to be key with this vape. I got lucky the first session and landed at the upper limits just barely avoiding combustion. Experimenting with the dial yielded some improvements, but it wasn't until I marked the dial incrementally 1-10 that I've really been nailing the perfect vapor for my preference. Right now that's 6.5 on
my crudely numbered dial, which might fluctuate depending on how long the unit has been on and the ambient room temperature. A borderline blue-white vapor with medium golden browned herb. Delicious!
The Sub's implementation of the Heat Transfer Holy Trinity makes for some really fast and thorough extractions. I don't know if that's also why the vapor seems to be so visible, but I sure do enjoy a well-milked bong.

Now that I'm getting the hang of it, it's simply fun to use. Large loads (0.2g+) are fun but do seem to require stirring to achieve the most even browning. I get the feeling less is more with this vape and I'm really impressed at how well it does with even the smallest loads. Very even browning sans stirring with ~0.1g or less. A PD sized load of ~0.06g vapes beautifully, and I'd hit that amount in the Sub over a log vape any day of the week if a bong
rip is what I wanted.
I have to say, all the secondary discussion about the atomizer and its effects still have me scratching my head. Yes I do find Sub's vapor to be very smooth, even without water, but I've also been using water filtration for ages and sometimes you forget how nice something can be. I used the Cloud dry for the last few sessions and in my highly unscientific opinion it was really smooth too, and of course, exquisitely flavorful. The Sub gets me plenty medicated, but I'm not so sure I'd say more so than if I'd vaped the same load in another vape until reaching the same level of extraction. It feels like the Sub just does it super fast, and sometimes one massive hit can lift you higher than if you split it in two. If you like depleting a load in one hit you'll like this vape.
More experimentation is definitely needed. Keep up the great feedback, you sexy Subbin' scientiƧts.
@Slightly Medicated I'm wondering if your temperature dial could be wonky. If it's always not-enough-and-then-*boom*-too-much I wonder if you're not getting the full power range. Do you find that you don't have much range in browning capability before you hit combustion? Maybe you could set the unit on max power and plug it into an auxiliary dimmer to test.
I'm still a rank amateur with this vape, but here are a couple tips that I've found help give me the best results. Nothing ground breaking but they might help a new user.
- Find your perfect temperatures.
- Take a few sessions to find and set your perfect temperature. As mentioned above, it really helps if you number your dial. It will take ~5 minutes for the heat to stabilize after an adjustment. The experience improves dramatically when you hit your temperature sweet spot.
- Don't rush the warm up.
- Without doing any testing, I'd guess that you should wait 30 minutes for the unit to fully heat up from a cold start. You can vape before that, but as with many vapes, better hits can be achieved if you give it time to really saturate itself in heat.
- You can turn it up really high for 5-10 minutes and then back it down if you're in a hurry, but you might not always get the same result unless you're carefully timing things.
- Heat it up fully assembled.
- Apollo inserted into the lower atomizer section so that all components get as evenly hot as they're going to from the heat transfer.
- Leave the screen in too so it heats up and you don't have to look for it when it's time to launch.
- Don't delay.
- Lift the Apollo off the lower section.
- Dump your herb in the bowl (a tiny spoon or folded piece of paper helps a lot).
- Reinsert the Apollo.
- Take your hit right away.
- You don't have to be Flash Gordon, but don't leave the top off for 60 seconds and let the lower section cool off.
- The herb starts vaporizing through conduction and radiation the instant it's touching the screen/bowl.
Watch some of
Enrico's entertaining videos to see a true Sublimaster in action.
Question for Enrico, sorry if this has already been answered: What type of heater is inside the Apollo? Can you give us some details on the Apollo's inner geometry?