Hopefully someone can help me out.
I've got the XLR 2.0 Dabmaster, but my Monkey Controller just died :'(
First the power inlet pried off, and now I think I've short circuited the board and it's probably quite dead, but possibly salvageable.
I figured I could just get the new 3.0 controller from Sublimator.ca, BUT now I read that it's only usable with a 3.0 heater.
What do I do?
Can the new controller be used with an adapter if it's just a mini-XLR connector?*
Can it be rewired with my XLR cable from the current controller?
Can some other controller be used?
Is there an in-stock XLR 2.0 MC option somewhere?

*edit: just discovered this
It states "For older heating handles do we offer an adapter in our shop."
So rejoice!! I was beginning to look for an alternative vape, and there just isn't anything that fits the bill. The Sub is a must for me, I look forward to letting it stay on for 3 hours at a time!!
The hour time-out was my one frustration with it, beyond the dicky terminal and the now broken PCB.
Can't wait to get it back up and operational!
Edit 2: I've had contact with verdampftnochmal, and they mentioned they use an audio adapter but also change "wire direction inside".
It seems they are able to help me out, but postage could be quite expensive..