No, don't be,Reasons why is because they got good shit subbin through those waxes and herbs. I cough too. You need to understand that the main thing the Sublimator can do for you is make you feel like you are smoking again except without the carcinogens and what not. Pure THC rushing to your lungs will always automatically make you cough. That is just what happens if you inhale a lung full. Some take their time and don't cough or if so it usually stops faster than you would cough from smoking a blunt, pipe, or bong. Always depends on the user and their preference. The smoothness we are talking about is the delivering of the vapor and how without the need of water makes it even more smoother to intake. Of course holding onto those huge amount of clouds will eventually make you cough. That's how the THC gets delivered to your brain and the rest of the body. Sorry for the literal explanation.
That was a great explanation, It makes a lot of sense now.